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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The United Nations Attack On American Culture

Laws against adultery in the United States used to be considered important to the stability of family. Yet those laws like those against fornication have not been enforced. That lack of enforcement may well have led to the deterioration of the family.

In an article by Professor of Law Joanna Grossman she commented that the Virginia State Supreme Court and other courts struck down the law for the same reason that laws against homosexuality were illegalized. The reason that is because they violated the right to privacy the unelected Oligarchy known as the Supreme Court created in 1965 through an unconstitutional judicial fiat. This so called right does not actually exist within the U.S. Constitution but it does exist in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I suspicion that the United Nation’s political and cultural agents known as the American Bar Association had something to do with the decision. This is a tentative suspicion based on their partnership with the U.N. and the Supreme Court admitting they ruled by international law in at least some cases.

I have found other evidence that indicates there is a worldwide movement that has successfully legalized adultery in many country. This evidence comes from an article about Cambodia making adultery illegal where the opposition said.

"There are only a couple of countries in the world which prosecuted personal immorality based on their sacred texts such as the ousted Taliban regime," opposition MP Eng Chhay Eang said in the debate.”

The opposition also stated:

“They forced people to follow their tradition which cannot be accepted. So did Pol Pot's regime. They murdered people who had love affairs," he added. “

The Taliban has a law code based on the Koran which like other law codes which has its oppressive parts and its non oppressive parts.. Pol Pot was a communist and an atheist which makes me doubt very much they has a law code based on anything but atheistic communism. I heard of people executed for lack of production and other bureaucratic snafus. At best we are talking a have truth.

I feel I have presented a case that shows that there is a worldwide anti religious movement that is possibly centered on the United Nations. I realize some parts of my case are circumstantial but I fell that all together it is a strong case.

Source 1 is an article by Joanna Grossman

Source 2 is an article about Cambodia passing an law against adultery because of the damage is causing the their country.

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Threat Of The U.N. And Their Religious Establishments

The Tulsa Presbyterian Church stood up for their believes in scripture by voting 967-to-36 to affirm their elders vote to leave the Presbyterian Church U-S-A. This cultural conservative vote affirms the First Amendments non establishment clause as the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. is a non government organization(NGO) connected in partnership that agrees to carry out the principles of the United Nations.

To be correct the Catholic church is also nation as well as a religion and can be as much of a threat to the liberty of the United States as the United Nations is.

The question is how much power does the Catholic church or the United Nations have over the United States. I am afraid they have too much power that previous presidents and Senators have allowed them to have. They have done this by signing treaties that they then treat as higher laws than even the U.S. Constitution. The United Nations has also compromised our judicial branch at the federal level by forming a NGO partnership with the American Bar Association.

Cultural liberalism which is supported by the United Nation is a version of anarchy that allows individuals to commit so called victimless crimes that are not as victimless as they are portrayed. These crimes such prostitution, homosexuality, abortion, adultery, etc harm families and contribute to the spread of STD’s and other illnesses. Abortion is just a form of legalized murder. I suspect that the U.N. is planning to destabilize the U.S. in order to send in a force of Peacekeepers to occupy it. They have been known to put puppet governments in place. I also suspicion that the Democratic party is their tool since they seem to be favor the same principles. The Republican party is not immune but they seem to have plans that are in opposition to the U.N. at least some of the time.

Source 1 of information of the Presbyterian Church break.

Source 2 The distabilization of Somalia, the establishment transitional government and international troops.

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Front Men For The United Nations Attack On The Liberty Of The United States

The United Nation makes a point of attacking America using superfine and front men. The front men in the case of Hazleton’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act are the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) who are both non government organizations connected to the United Nations. A third one who is not mentioned but who is seldom if even missing from legal procedures is the American Bar Association.

The United Nations is an advocate of open borders and migrant rights. We signed on the 1951 treaty that established the “International Organization of Migration”. that like many international treaties we signed compromise our ability to rule ourselves. This is an effect of removing the state legislatures ability to check the federal government by passing the Seventeenth Amendment.

The Hazleton case is not the only case in which the United Nation is attacking the freedom of the People of the United States. Another instance is the Mount Soledad case. The Jewish War Veterans of the United States is another NGO that is in partnership with the United Nation. They and the ACLU along with some independents are taking the case to a federal court that is under a monopoly or near monopoly of judges that are ABA members and influenced by ABA propaganda.

I am sure there are other cases in which this same thing has happened. I would like to direct your attention to one other area of corruption and that is judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg who belong to groups that compromise the security of the United States such as the Council of Foreign Relation. It is not up to judges to devise foreign policy that is the domain of the legislative and executive branches. It is certainly not up to judges to rule in accordance to federal law since all legislation has to be passed by Congress. Ginsburg who has a pass history in leadership within both the ABA and the ACLU will be anything but impartial when either of these cases comes before her. I know there are other judges on the bench that are as biased as her.

Source 1 is about Hazleton and it lawsuit and seems to be biased for illegal immigration.

Source 2 is about the Mt Soledad lawsuit.

Source 3 is the connection of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education to the United Nations.

Source 4 is a list of NGO’s in partnership with the United Nations that include the ACLU, The ABA, and the Jewish War Veterans of the United States .

Source 5 is a short biography of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Source 6 is a membership list of the Council of Foreign Affairs. I did not use this but it can be used to find our if a judges perceived impartiality is possibly compromised.