The United Nations Attack On American Culture
In an article by Professor of Law Joanna Grossman she commented that the Virginia State Supreme Court and other courts struck down the law for the same reason that laws against homosexuality were illegalized. The reason that is because they violated the right to privacy the unelected Oligarchy known as the Supreme Court created in 1965 through an unconstitutional judicial fiat. This so called right does not actually exist within the U.S. Constitution but it does exist in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I suspicion that the United Nation’s political and cultural agents known as the American Bar Association had something to do with the decision. This is a tentative suspicion based on their partnership with the U.N. and the Supreme Court admitting they ruled by international law in at least some cases.
I have found other evidence that indicates there is a worldwide movement that has successfully legalized adultery in many country. This evidence comes from an article about Cambodia making adultery illegal where the opposition said.
"There are only a couple of countries in the world which prosecuted personal immorality based on their sacred texts such as the ousted Taliban regime," opposition MP Eng Chhay Eang said in the debate.”
The opposition also stated:
“They forced people to follow their tradition which cannot be accepted. So did Pol Pot's regime. They murdered people who had love affairs," he added. “
The Taliban has a law code based on the Koran which like other law codes which has its oppressive parts and its non oppressive parts.. Pol Pot was a communist and an atheist which makes me doubt very much they has a law code based on anything but atheistic communism. I heard of people executed for lack of production and other bureaucratic snafus. At best we are talking a have truth.
I feel I have presented a case that shows that there is a worldwide anti religious movement that is possibly centered on the United Nations. I realize some parts of my case are circumstantial but I fell that all together it is a strong case.
Source 1 is an article by Joanna Grossman
Source 2 is an article about Cambodia passing an law against adultery because of the damage is causing the their country.