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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Does The CIA Acts For The Common Defence In Leadership Targets?

According to this report the following is true.

Pakistani officials on Saturday angrily condemned a purported CIA air strike meant to target Al Qaeda's No. 2 man, saying he wasn't there and "innocent civilians" were among at least 17 men, women and children killed in a village near the Afghan border.

I am not fond of these assassination attempts by our government as they seem so incompetent and wasteful of civilian life. My general opinion is that we are fed false information on a regular basis and we act on it. This aids the enemy.

But the attack in Damadola was the latest in a string of incidents on Pakistan's side of the border in recent weeks that many people suspect were U.S. assaults that violated this Islamic country's sovereignty.

We have been known to violate other countries sovereignty in the past for what we believed was the general welfare. This would definitely be justified according to the Constitution if the tip was very solid. I just remember how solid the evidence for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was and how many leadership targets came up blank during the conquest of Iraq.

It is possible that we are getting better at targeting these leadership assassinations but we have to remember that Pakistan is our “friend” and be careful that we do not cause more trouble than we solve.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Liberal Mind Control In Our Colleges And Universities

My sister is working toward a digree and has encoutered the liberal propaganda machine. This machine is aimed and young persons whose minds are still subject to manipulation. It is filled with lies and half truths spouted by radical leftest. One class said Bush is guilty of unlaw invasion of Iraq and the other stated that the United States has invaded Mexico three times. I know one of those three times was defending the newly annexed territory of Texas. Texas and Mexico had previously negotiated a treaty that Mexico's congress did not ratify. Texas was reconized as an independent country.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

For The Comon Defense And The Freedom Of Mexico

According to this article Mexico wants us to back off on our plans to enforce our border for obvious reasons that benefit Mexico. They criticize Fox who is a member of the Mexican conservative Christian party for being to soft on us. I personally believe it will be to our advantage to strengthen Fox and weaken his adversaries. We also need to strengthen our border. We can work with Fox not allowing guest workers as Mexico and Bush are urging us but by aiding the Mexican government in helping their people meet the minimum criteria for becoming citizens of the United States. In doing this we not only cement our relations with Mexico but spread the ideals of a true free Democracy on which we were founded and have since abandoned.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The ACLU VS. Civil Rights

The ACLU urges Senate to review Samuel Alittos record and urges serious Civil Rights Concerns. This is not a surprise but the Declaration of Independence is about civil rights not the Democratic party or their extremist allies the ACLU.

The Declaration of Independence does not exist in a vacuum and other documents reflect on it. One writer who has a huge effect on it is John Locke. John Lock expanded on the right of liberty by saying liberty does not justify license. License being another word for immorality. The ACLU on the other hand supports immorality of many forms whether it is adultery, fortification, debauchery, or homosexuality. They say and the Declaration of Independence disagrees that these are all civil liberties. My question is why we American have allowed them to get away with this obvious falsehood.

According to their anarchic worldview you have the right to do anything you want even if it brings harm to yourself or others as long as that harm is consented to or is not a direct result of your action. Thus divorce is a civil liberty despite the harm it does to children and the participants because that harm is an indirect result. They also support cohabitation and sex out of marriage despite women getting abused twice as much as inside marriage. To them the right to liberty trumps the right to life and health unless that liberty is religious expression. They view religious morality as oppressive and have successfully preached their message of mutual self-destruction to the people of the United States.

Their success is so rampant that even those that stand oppose still let them falsely claim to be for civil rights. The Democrats are just as bad claiming to be for civil rights why embracing policies that deprive minorities of the right to life as 2 or more times the rate at which they deprive whites. They have no real compassion and continue to embrace policies that destroy heterosexual marriages that leaves people of color worse off than they were under segregation.

If we want to do what is best for our country then we will not allow them to corrupt our ideals and we will hope that others become wise. We need to remind people of what true civil liberties are and that they need to love their neighbor as themselves. We also need to practice what we preach. If we don’t do this then we have lost before we start.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What Happened To The Precept Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

I am having a disagreement with several parties that the ideals behind the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are love your neighbor as yourself. The whole ideal of natural rights is based on two premises. The first is if you posses something or have the ability to do something you have the right to posses it or do it. The second is that you are limited by the law love your neighbor as yourself. From those two precepts the whole Natural law mention in the declaration and given power in the Constitution gains its justification. The fact I debate this with individual from both the left and right political spectrum shows how far the United States has departed from the ways of its youth. It is obvious that religious and government organizations are failing in their duty to teach people to love one another. This explains the decline of western civilization because without civilized behavior civilization is doomed.

Monday, January 09, 2006

A Cry To Urge Support For The Constitution And The Declaration Of Independence

In the United States there is a cultural war going on, but the front I think is most important is how we view the Constitution of the United States of America. Mexico chose to strike down their constitution and Texas rebelled because of that action. Mexico still has not gotten over that rebellion and blames the United States. I suppose the United States is responsible for we taught our people to cling to the Declaration of Independence, the constitution, and freedom. Here is a cite from the Texas Declaration of Independence that we should take to heart today.

When, long after the spirit of the constitution has departed, moderation is at length so far lost by those in power, that even the semblance of freedom is removed, and the forms themselves of the constitution discontinued, and so far from their petitions and remonstrances being regarded, the agents who bear them are thrown into dungeons, and mercenary armies sent forth to force a new government upon them at the point of the bayonet.

We have reached the point in the United States where the spirit of the constitution has departed. Yet there is hope as an insurgency of patriots has sprung up as is obvious from Senator Cornyn’s and Senator Durbin’s address on Samuel Alito’s confirmation process. This insurgency will fail if we do not convince our fellow Americans that the Constitution and the Declaration are wise documents and that the federal courts are a larger danger to our freedom than either Congress or the President.

Here is some excerpts from the two senators’ addresses.

Senator Cornyn said:

I want judges on the Supreme Court who will respect the words and the meaning of the Constitution, the laws enacted by Congress and the laws enacted by state legislatures.

Now, this doesn't mean, as you know, that a judge will always reach what might be called a conservative result. It means that judges will reach whatever result is directed by the Constitution, by the law, and by the facts of the case.

Sometimes, it might be called conservative; sometimes it might be called liberal. But the point is that the meaning of the Constitution and other laws should not change unless we the people change them.

Senator Durbin stated the following.

And Justice O'Connor was the fifth vote to uphold the time- honored principle, which bears repeating, of separation of church and state. There was real wisdom in the decision of our forefathers in writing a Constitution that gave us an opportunity to grow as such a diverse nation, and we should never forget it.


My friend, Illinois Senator Paul Simon, once said on the same committee that the test for a Supreme Court nominee is not where he stands on any one specific issue. The test is this: Will you use your power on the court to restrict freedom or expand it?

In the simplest terms, I think Paul Simon got it right. That is the best test because the Supreme Court is the last refuge in America for our rights and liberties. In my lifetime, it's the Supreme Court, not Congress, that integrated our public schools, that allowed people of different races to marry, and established the principle that our government should respect the value of privacy of American families. These decisions are the legacy of justices who chose to expand American freedom.

So on one side we have Senator Cornyn who believes the Constitution should be cleaved to and legally amended by the democratic process when necessary and on the other side we have Senator Durbin who believes the Constitution was good at one time but that that time has passed and it is up to the unelected federal judiciary to define what rights Americans have and how their applied. I agree with Senator Comyn because I believe that the people of the United States are the best protectors of their own rights and that giving that power to an autocratic oligarch is to surrender our freedom. The people of Texas rebelled rather than surrender their power to dictators. The question is what will you do?

Let the Senators who’s view you support know that you appreciate his hard work by sending a thank you letter. May God give victory to those striving to obtain true freedom.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

How Our Liberty Is Threatened By Capitalist

When protecting the interest of the United States at home or abroad it is a good thing to remember that the Republican party has a number of capitalist in it. Capitalist believe that making money is a noble purpose and believe it justifies depriving others of their rights. They will even sacrifice their own rights for it. In other words everything has a price. Here is commentary that accounts just such a case.

Direct United States government involvement into Guatemala, the CIA's first covert operation in Latin America, in one of the many so-called banana republics, began in 1947 instigated by the United Fruit Company. They used their high priced Washington lobbying firm and a considerable public relations campaign which convinced the American public that Guatemala had become a Soviet satellite. Thomas G. Corcoran, a high powered lawyer, proposed the idea of a CIA overthrow of Arbenz. His like-minded associate, General Walter Bedell Smith, Director of Central Intelligence (from October 1950 to February 1953 under Truman and Under Secretary of State under Eisenhower) took the idea of a CIA overthrow back to his boss, Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles. The Dulles brothers, Allen and John were previously partners in the law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell that collected fees from United Fruit Company with their big acquisition of the Guatemalan and other Central American railroads.

To be fare the communist threat was very real and is still very real. Cuba became communist nation in 1959 and exported communism throughout South America. They continue to do so today. Still overthrowing a democratically elected government and installing a dictator is questionable at best. I am afraid everyone learns from mistakes. It is terrible that so many had to pay for our overzealousness.

I brought this article up to show that capitalist Republican are also a threat to the freedom of the United States and need to be kept in check. President Bush is clearly a champion for capitalist and has acted to benefit their action. Congress has kept him in check to at least a passable extent though I would like it to be better. Republicans are a thief to Democrats murderer.