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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

How Non Government Organizations Are A Threat To Our Freedom

This Agence France-Presse article states that US Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns defends non government organizations in Russia because they are the “friends” of Russia. These NGO’s have caused at least two revolutions through funneling money from outside sources in order to cause an overthrow of a government. These organization purchase or fund the media, lawyer organization and or politicians to accomplish their goal. The governments under assault often overacts by suppressing the worker rebellion fostered by these organizations. Democratic governments are often the target of these organization who push the liberal agenda.

The Open Society Institute is one such organization that operates in the United States and has donated to organizations like the American Bar Association. How many of our judges are not members of that organization? What about our politicians whom are lawyers? Activist judges protected by activist politicians are a natural outcome of a process where an organization is urging everyone change to the European model of Democracy.

So the ACLU who is funded by the OSI sues a state over a law they find offensive and takes the state to jail. The attorney general of the state, whom is a member of the ABA which is also funded by OSI, makes the case for the constitutionality of the law. The judge, also a member of the ABA, listens to “both?” sides of the issue and renders his/her “unbiased?” judgment. Thus the democratic process in America is undermined by capitalism by a scheme that sounds like it was thought up by a Marxist.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Indict And Convict Activist Judges Of Bad Behavior

Here is an article about an Indiana federal court where Judge David Hamilton displayed bad character in ruling the United States Constitution is unconstitutional. He did just that when he ruled that mentioning Jesus or the equivalent in prayer in the House of Representatives of the Indiana General Assembly violated the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution is the high law of the land and states the following.

Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of OUR LORD one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth.

Because of his activism in court judge David Hamilton has displayed bad behavior. His time of service is thus at an end First write your Senators to impeach him for his action against the Constitution of the United States. Do this even if you think they will not do so. In addition we can urge the governor of Indiana to have charges pressed against him. He can do this because

. State representatives and judges have the right to act according to the Constitution as they take an oath to do so.
. The Constitution does not grant judges any immunity against prosecution for a judge violating the Constitution in his/her judgments, but it does allow them to be impeached.
. The Constitution requires judges to take an oath to support the Constitution.
. Violating an oath is perjury which is a felony and thus considered bad behavior.
. A federal judges service ends when they display bad behavior,
. Since The Constitution is the high law of the land, it is the high law of each state and so the state has the jurisdiction to prosecute according to it.

The President of the United States can act in a like manner. So send your comments to him also. If you do nothing then you are collaborating with the domestic and foreign enemies of the Constitution. If your representatives do nothing then vote them out and try to get someone who cares about the United States in office.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Sex Education And The General Welfare Of The United States

The European model of democracy pushed by The Open Society Institute and its ACLU’s allies has an agenda in the United States involving sexual education. This agenda is population control and how to effectively administer it. Here is an address from the radical University of California at San Francisco Center of Aids Prevention Studies.

Other countries have been much more successful than the US in addressing the problem of teen pregnancies. Age at first intercourse is similar in the US and five other countries: Canada, England, France, the Netherlands, and Sweden, yet all those countries have teen pregnancy rates that are at least less than half the US rate. Sex education in these other countries is based on the following components: a policy explicitly favoring sex education; openness about sex; consistent messages throughout society; and access to contraception.

Often sex education curricula begin in high school, after many students have already begun experimenting sexually. Studies have shown that sex education begun before youth are sexually active helps young people stay abstinent and use protection when they do become sexually active. The sooner sex education begins, the better, even as early as elementary school.

The article neglects to mention the total fertility rates of the countries. In the January 2005 CIA World Fact Book the following Canada: 1.61, United Kingdoms: 1.66, France: 1.85, The Netherlands: 1.66, Sweden: 1.66, and the United States 2.08. A fertility rate of 2.1 is considered the rate necessary to sustain a population with no growth which means of the countries named. The United States is by far the most stable country an 1% die back of the native population compared with a 23% die back for Canada our neighbor to the North. So for the United States to nearly sustain its population teen pregnancy is needed.

Here is an article from Stanford University News service that collides with their liberal buddies from San Francisco. In this case the agenda is to push the birth control pill on Japan whom has an exceedingly low birth rate.

On the birth rate, the authors say using this argument "as a basis for continuing a ban of one of the most widely used methods of contraception is both illogical and unacceptable," since "economic and socio-cultural factors control the birth rate of a modern population; the quality or use of contraceptive methods is a secondary effect."

Any method of contraception but condoms and the natural birth control method are illegal in Japan . Nerveless Japan has an exceedingly low teen birth rate Which brings me to the observation that abstinence only sex education which is designed to encourage a change in the socio culture factors which lead to a high teen fertility rate in the United States is wrong while not using contraceptives in Japan is wrong because their economic and socio cultural is what keeps the fertility rate low. This sounds like another case of liberal insanity to me. Either one or the other can be true not both.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

When Free Speech Should Be Regulated.

This is an interesting Associated Press article about a school seizing an issue of newspapers. In Oak Ridge, Tennessee the school official acted responsibly in seizing an issue of a student run school newspaper. Their motive was to serve the parents by leaving sexual education in their hands. The government is notorious at being poor at teaching children family values, a lesson that the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and Palmdale, California school district should take to heart.

I understand the seizer in this case because the newspaper was pushing birth control as a good thing which by extension means that having sex is a good thing. This is legally considered to be contributing to the delinquency of a minor and is illegal in most if not all states.

Free speech is important but it does not give you the right to endanger yourself or others by what you say. In this case the seized issue endangered children by promoting promiscuous behavior in teens, whose judgment is developmentally impaired. The school has a responsibility to the children’s’ parents or guardians to prevent harm to the children under their jurisdiction.

I believe that the students need to learn how to use their free speech wisely. Debates on issues such as contraception need to be held between students. Research papers written on abortion. These lessons are necessary if children are to be taught to be a contributing part of our political system. On the other hand advertising contraceptives is not acceptable.

Equal Protection Of The Law And Abstinence Only Sex Education

The Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution clearly states that no government can “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws“. Yet despite this boys whom are the victims of statutory rape are regarded as consenting while girls are not. Never mind that the ideal of statutory rape is that despite the fact that the teenager consented to have sex they were not emotionally or mentally mature enough to do so.

When the United State became a country we had beliefs about minors and their reasoning ability that we have since abandoned much to our regret. In William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England even if both parties consented they still could not marry if their parents did not also consent. John Locke’s Treatise on Civil Governments also stated that Parents had complete authority over their child’s actions provided they did not knowingly use it to harm the children or themselves. The reason for this is because children are not able to judge well and that parents love their children and try to look out for their child’s best interest.

Evidence shows that teenager’s brains are still developing until their early 20’s and that this developing impedes their judgment. This evidence just states that the founders of the United States were right when they held natural law to be self evident and factual.

My thoughts on this issue was stimilated by reading an USA Today article by Wendy Koch titled "More women charged in sex cases". It tells how women get lighter sentences than men for the same crime because boys are regarded as not being victimized. In fact our society gives boys the view that they should take sex wherever they can get it. The later is just one of the society myths that President Bush is attempting to fight with his Abstinence only sex education policy. Planned Parenthood and its allies like ACLU, NOW and NARAL oppose him on this.

So once again liberals stand for child molestation and against the true liberal ideals and rights that made are country great. They do this despite all the evidence to the contrary. That just goes to show that they are fanatics as well as tyrants.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Is George Soros Guilty Of Treason?

My question is if George Soros a naturalized citizen is guilty of treason against the United States. The definition of treason in the Constitution follows.

Article 3 Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

George Soros started the Open Society Institute which is described in Wikepedia as follows.

The Open Society Institute (OSI), a private operating and grantmaking foundation, aims to shape public policy to promote democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform.

According to the same source The United States has the proud honor of being a country where the transition to democracy is a particular concern.

OSI has expanded the activities of the Soros Foundations network to other areas of the world where the transition to democracy is of particular concern

Here is an excerpt from Gara LaMarche is vice president and director of U.S. Programs for OSI that explains how OSI feels about the United States.

In the last few years, radical-right political leaders have moved from the fringe essentially to control much of the national and many state governments. They, the fundamentalist clerics and their followers who comprise the “base” to which they feel most accountable, and the network of think tanks and attack media which support them, make clear their intent to roll back the Great Society and the cultural, social and political gains of the 1960s. Now, with fights over social security and the courts, they are targeting the New Deal.

Some of these figures and institutions wish explicitly to return the United States government, and its relationship to its citizens, to what it was before the Progressive Era. But their combined efforts to remake American society suggest a more recent and disturbing parallel: the McCarthy era.

According to the Global Elite, OSI has been involved with the overthrow of the governments of at least two countries.

They have been involved in the Orange revolution in the Ukraine and the Rose revolution in Georgia.

The goals it to establish European norms and values in the countries they successfully recruit according to this article by Leonard Benardo is regional director at the Open Society Institute–New York and Laura Silber is senior policy adviser of the same branch.
Buoyed by the success of their winter revolution, many expected that Europe to swiftly embrace Ukraine. But Europe, distracted by its own problems, was cautious, and sought to ascertain whether Ukraine could meet fundamental prerequisites, notably those rules that define membership in the European Union. Carrying out reforms on corruption, public broadcasting, freedom of information and access to justice would be a tangible sign that Ukraine had moved from rhetoric to action. The pace of European expansion likely will be halting, but Mr. Yushchenko must put Ukraine on a trajectory that conforms with European norms and values.

According to this report by the Capital Research Center the Open Society Institute gives the majority of its grants in the United States to leftist organizations like the ACLU and Tides Center or left of center organizations like the American Bar Association. I located an aberration when they gave a minor grants to the far right origination, to be specific the Cato Institute.

I am curious about where the Open Society Institute obtains their own donations that they so generously lavish on the left but I can bet from looking at this that European Union governments and/or private interest have a large interest in it. But as for inditing George Soros for treason I have to prove several things which I was unable to. They are as follows

1 That he is at least partially funded by foreign governments,
2 that those governments are our enemies,
3 and/or That he is funded by the domestic enemies of the United States.
4. That he is willing using his money for the ill of the United States.

I consider point four proved as European norms and values are self destructive. I could not find out anything about the financial backers of OSI which for a group urging governments to be open is hypocritical but is is effective in that it stops me from progressing on the other three points.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Unborn Children Are Persons, Please Treat Them That Way

Here is a sad story of a Greyhound bus that drifted of the road turned on its side and smashed into a tree. What makes it sadder is that despite the fact that three people were killed in the accident only two are claimed. One a child of 7 month gestational age died within his/her mother’s womb and so was not counted as being alive. If an c-section had been attempted there is a good chance the neglected child would have survived and been counted as a person. Instead the attitudes of our society deprived him/her of her/his right to life. Martha Contreras and her child are both mourned by me if not by anyone else. Faro Jahani the third victim is also mourned.

Then there is the Phoenix, AZ case of Candace Dickinson and her son. Dickinson’s son is at nine months gestational age and yet in his mother stomach and so according to Pheonix police does not count as a person despite the fact he is well past the point of both viability and quickening. If a competent lawyer took her case then he could use Williams Blackstone’s definition of a person which is any child after the point of quickening. Quickening was the hypothetic point at which our founders believed human life began, as motion signified life. The Commentaries On The Laws Of England in which Blackstone explained the law were often mentioned when the Constitution was being designed and used in at least one case by those whom passed it into law to decide a debate. Thus by the Ninth Amendment, Dickinson’s son is a person under the Constitution. How much you want to make a bet that, that decision would cause certain groups to go ballistic. Fox and Friends thought she was making an absurd claim which shows how effective the pro choice propaganda machine is.

Texas the supposedly pro life state is the next area that is oppressive to both children and their mothers. The Supreme Court there has repeatedly decided that children within there mother are not alive. The Texas legislator righted this wrong by passing legislature to recognize these children as alive but allowed a loophole for medical malpractice. This law was only passed in 2003 and gives you a possibility why Texas was selected as the state to challenge the illegalization of abortion in. Hopefully Texas feels more compassion for the right to life of children vs. the medical establishment and acts to redress the wrong done to them. They can do this by granting their mothers the inheritance of the child's restitution for their wrongful death.

A Prelude To The ACLU And Their Attack Against The General Welfare

Canada has fallen more to the attack of the modern liberals than we here in the United States and if we look at what is there we can find out what is going to happen here. According to a report by Robert Knight, located on Concerned Women of America's web site, there is a case handled by Judge Valmond Romilly that concerns us all. The case involved teens who claimed they were searching for peeping toms to beat up. The evidence on the other hand said that they were looking for homosexuals to beat up. The wording of the hate crime law in Canada is such that it is alright to beat a peeping tom to death but not a homosexual. Judge Valmond exercised the leeway in judgment that he is allowed under the common law system and decided that peeping tom fit the definition of sexual orientation as well as homosexuality did. I see nothing wrong with his determining the original intent of law was to protect "innocent" victims from thugs though the sentence he handed down did not back up his judgment.

The ACLU uses the same reasoning to advance their agenda in the United States calling homosexuality and drug use lifestyle choices and any action against them as lifestyle discrimination. They then attempt to get them covered by the “equal protection under the law” clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. One flaw in their argument is that homosexuality and the use of drugs for recreation is dangerous to our society. So the general welfare clause of the Constitution applies as does the health exception mention in Roe v. Wade. Neither of these applies to the case heard by Judge Valmond.

Now I am obviously missing something in this as I see no way that Judge Valmond’s ruling makes voyeurism a civil right in Canada yet Jan LaRue of Concerned Women of America does. She also expressed the concern that rape would be seen in Canada as just another sexual lifestyle choice. I do see that possibility if the ACLU does get lifestyle covered under the Fourteenth Amendment or the Civil Rights Act.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Depopulation Of America By The Democrats

According to this Associated Press article by James MacPherson Rural U.S. Health Clinics struggle financially as the communities around them are depopulated by the federal governments population control policy that has killed off at leas 20% of the population of America each year. No one seems willing to admit that the Democrats with their modern liberalism philosophy are responsible for this sad state. The Republicans whom claim to be pro-life are strangely silent as if they are in agreement with their foe’s policy of violating the people's rights, even calling one Democrat a patriot. Here is a testimony of the ruins left behind by the Democrats who control all of North Dakota' Congressional seats.

All across the country, declining rural areas are looking for doctors and nurses. But in North Dakota, one of the few states that has lost population, the challenge is especially daunting.
With their children killed off because their representatives did nothing to slow the slaughter, the ratio of elderly has increased as presented in this cite.

Grube, a retired farm implement dealer, said many of the town's 800 residents are elderly, ``I suspect like most other small North Dakota towns.''

Signs of a once thriving community, which now cannot keep open necessary health care clinics.

Sitting west of Bismarck, New Salem is the home of Salem Sue, a huge fiberglass cow statue standing watch along Interstate 94. The clinic is near a vacant 1970s-era shopping mall with a gravel parking lot.

Money is short and the medical personal provide their services free of charge.

New Salem managed to reopen and has stayed alive because of Kaspari and volunteer nurses and other staff, along with donations. Grube said the clinic is also seeking about $25,000 from a local tax-supported economic development fund, but it would still need about $45,000 a year. And that's without a salary for Kaspari.

They hope the federal government will help but realize that just more pressure on an already overburdened budget.

``The federal budget has a lot of pressure on it,'' said Karen Larson, of the Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas. ``I'm not sure when money will become available.''

Yet abandoning these clinics may cost more in both lives and money.

Kaspari, a North Dakota native, believes the preventive medicine done at rural clinics not only saves lives, but also saves taxpayers money in the long run.

As Grube sees it, the clinic is crucial for the life of the town, too. ``The clinic is an asset to our community. We have to have it to survive.''
So the population control policies of the United States government, like killing children in their mothers wombs, are successful. The government has been unable to cover the the depredation up by encouraging imigration either legal or illegal. This has caused some areas are becoming depopulated and unable to support their aging people. Which has let to an additional burden on the federal government which we handle by borrowing from countries like China and OPEC thus leaving us in their debt.

Promote The General Welfare Of Women By Destroying The Left

This Associated Press article by Emma Ross links domestic violence in women to health problems even after the beatings have stopped. Evidence has repeatedly shown that domestic violence goes down in married situations. Despite this so called liberal feminist embrace the ideal of cohabitation being no different the marriage because according to them. all marriage is, is a piece of paper. A second hypothosis they have is that no fault divorce is the best solution. because marriage is about love and commitment.

Love is a romantic and sometime mystical quantity that can be cultured within. To search for love without is an exercise in futility. You of course must find someone you bond with for that is the seed. After that the rest is a growing experience within, that each participant is required to water and fertilize with hard work and persistence. Commitment is a is one way to fertilize the seed of love and it deals with honesty. When you give a oath to do something you need to mean it and if you fall down you get up and try again as many times as it takes to succeed. A marriage vow commits you to love one another and does not guarantee that you will not have a hard time. Yet no matter how smooth or rocky the road may be, if you are sincerely honest, then you will continue to strive for the best. Marriage far from being a piece of paper is a contract where two lovers a woman and a man merge in an agreement to act as one as regards the general welfare of the family unit.

Evidence also shows quite conclusively that as marriage goes down in a community that violent crime goes up. In addition observation shows that the modern liberal model is destructive of marriage and children. Now we find out that it is not only the violence that women have to face from the breakdown of marriage due to the lefts assault on that blessed institute, but also ill health during and afterwards.