Disaster Relief For Religious Schools And Reimbursement Of Religious Organizations
Among the developments taking place is the unexpected fast-tracking of otherwise dormant legislation on Capitol Hill that would encourage tax-deductible donations to churches and other religion-based groups, along with serious weakening of government rules that prohibit the use of public funds to underwrite such organizations especially in times of an "emergency" like Hurricane Katrina. This is part of a larger effort by the White House to "outsource" social services and even emergency preparedness programs to the "armies of compassion," a buzz-phrase referring to churches and houses of worship that Mr. Bush wants to benefit from federal and other government funding.
The excerpt deals with the plans of the Bush administration to reimburse faith based organizations for their aid during hurricane Katrina ACLU makes this declaration on their web cite.
President Bush's creation of a White House office to fund religious organizations' participation in social service programs violates the U. S. Constitution's prohibition against government-sponsored religion and opens the door for tax-funded discrimination in the provision of desperately needed social services and employment.
FEMA defended their actions in deciding to reimburse faith based organizations with these words.
FEMA officials said religious organizations would be eligible for payments only if they operated emergency shelters, food distribution centers or medical facilities at the request of state or local governments in the three states that have declared emergencies -- Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. In those cases, "a wide range of costs would be available for reimbursement, including labor costs incurred in excess of normal operations, rent for the facility and delivery of essential needs like food and water," FEMA spokesman Eugene Kinerney said in an e-mail.Lets actually look at the Constitution and see what all this hoopla is about. First the first amendment which was put into place that any citizen’s of the United States would not have to support a government established religious organization whose teachings they such as the Church of England. I understand that as I do not like supporting the Atheistic Religion pushed on us by the Federal Courts. I can also understand not wanting to support another religions evangelism such as the Atheistic creation theory of evolution through random mutation. But in no way was the first Amendment meant to stop the reimbursement for the work and resources used to aid other or the actual aid of those in need. To suggest that shows a total disregard not only of the Constitution but the history behind it. The Virginia Bill of Rights states
That no free government, nor the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles; and by the recognition by all citizens that they have duties as well as rights, and that such rights cannot be enjoyed save in a society where law is respected and due process is observed.
It also states in support of ACLU argument but not disagree with Bush’s stance through FEMA.
to levy on themselves or others, any tax for the erection or repair of any house of public worship, or for the support of any church or ministry; but it shall be left free to every person to select his religious instructor, and to make for his support such private contract as he shall please.
So I agree that when allotting funds the government needs to take care not to allow funds to advance a particular religions ministry whether that religion be Atheism, Christianity, or other. They can do this by asking organizations who submit claims not to include any funds that were used for that purpose much like the IRS does when considering tax deductions for using private property for business. I am also against using public funds to advance the Atheistic theory of creation of evolution through random mutation in preference to others as the Constitution requites equal protection under the laws whether you are Atheist or Christian. My preferred solution to the dilemma presented by government supporting education and disaster relief is that when doing so; they honor the Constitution by making no religious test in the execution of it.