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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Our Natural Rights Are Put At Risk By Leniency To Convicts

There was a study conducted that determined that our prisons are a breeding ground for radical Muslims and place terrorist use to recruit them. Lack of funding is the excuse for this but I have my doubts as a lot of funding is already in place. I know that gangs also recruit members in prisons so this is a longstanding and know problem that the government has not acted to resolve.

One possible problem is that too many rights are being extended to prisoners. There was a reason why when the Thirteenth Amendment was passed to forbid slavery or bonded servantry in the United States that an exception was made for criminals. That is so that they could be better monitored and controlled. These are individuals that have a proven tendency to violate the natural human rights of other human beings and who are most likely already hostile to the government which makes them ideal candidates for recruitment. The ACLU is a champion of given prisoners rights, among which seems to be the right to harm others, that the U.S. Constitution does not grant them as you can see by the Thirteenth Amendment.

My question is if the government can not control such extremist in such ideal setting then how can they protect us from them in the outside world where they can blend in with the average person or keep a neighborhood terrorized into silence and so operate in the open as gangs do.

My source about study on terrorist recruitment is our jails.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

An Unjust Vengence And The Need To Establish Justice

There was a shooting in a Dandridge Tennessee baseball park where a ten year old child and his peers were playing. Three of his grandparents ended up dead and his father ended up wounded. The police are not saying who did the firing but the article leads me to suspect that the boy’s maternal grandfather who was one of the victims.

Previously to the shooting a drug bust occured that ended with putting the boy’s mother in jail for conspiring to distribute marijuana. The shooter suspected her husband, the father of the boy of turning her in to law enforcement. A divorce and child custody battle were also involved.

The signs are that the boy’s maternal grandfather showed little or no love for his grandson who was left in shock after the incident occurred. Filled with unrighteous vengeance the grandfather ignored the real perpetrator, who was the mother as she chose a path of crime, and went after the one who he thought performed the righteos action of reporting a criminal action to the police.

I am usually against divorce but you can not be yoked to someone who is intent on criminal enterprises as it is neither a secure or happy lifestyle and certainly is not healthy for children or even adults. If the maternal grandfather was the shooter and if he survived I would have considered the death penalty as appropriate as I can see no mitigating circumstances in his crime of hate.

An article of the shooting event.

Monday, September 18, 2006

An Attempt To Coerce An Abortion In The United States

Legalized abortion is a form of genocide as it kills human beings in their mothers womb. It is a stain on the United States as it takes away the claim of being a free nation since the unborn underclass suffers a massive loss of their natural human right to life. Over one million children are killed annually and of those children Blacks and Hispanics are more adversely effected than Whites.

In a recent case two parents of a nineteen year old age girl first argued with her in attempt to coerce her into getting an abortion and then kidnapped her and transported her over state lines in order to find a facility where the medical staff would kill the baby through a late term abortion. It seems they had no concern that the staff would hesitate to perform such evil on a child that was obviously being coerced.

Thankfully the girl escaped from captivity and called the police who then apprehended her parents, who if convicted are due to serve 7.5 to 15 years in prison. I am curious if they actually do the time in jail that they justly disserve for such an abusive attitude. I feel sorry for their daughter and grandchild who have been betrayed by those who are supposed to love them. I hope a crisis pregnancy center or some other benevolent organization or person comes to aid her in her time of need.

Here is the full article about the kidnapping.