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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

American Atheist Attempt To Consolidate Their Established Religion Gains In Utah

Here is a article from the Salt Lake Tribune about an attempt of the American Atheist to consolidate their gains in establishing Atheism as the state religion of Utah.

A lawsuit by the American Atheists says memorial crosses - like the one near I-15 and 5600 South honoring a fallen Utah trooper - constitute a government endorsement of religion. The group says a memorial symbol should be secular. (Ryan Galbraith/The Salt Lake Tribune)

The first thing any competent lawyer should do when defending the states right to place these memorial is to challenge if American Atheist can make a claim as an injured party since they are not an injured party. They are not injured because they are not religious and the non-establishment of religion amendment is made so a religious individual does not have to support a religion that is not their own. I expect that objection to be overcome as the seventh circuit court of appeals has already decided the atheism is a religion. But this sets up future arguments.

Here is an excerpt from the c. 1786 The Virginia Act For Establishing Religious Freedom which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson in 1779 and passed by the Virginia General Assembly.

Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in nowise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

The second point a competent lawyer should make is that according to the American Atheist Interpretation the Constitution already endorses a religion and even a holy day. And since the Constitution is the high law of the land it follows that the Christian religions are the established religion of the United States. They should then introduce section 16 of the 1776 Virginia Bill of Rights, which I cite below, as interpretive evidence.

16. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our CREATOR, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity, towards each other.

The third point of defense is that the cross is recognized as a symbol of aid and morning in western civilization. This is true but if the Court has disregarded the second point then they have displayed contempt for the Constitution and their oath already so it is also a very weak point. This of course seems to be the one the state of Utah plans on using which gives me great doubt about their competency.

In this case the American Atheist are clearly using the courts in order to oppress the general populace. The can only do this with the acquiescence of the federal courts and at least 34 members of the present Senate. As citizens of the United States the question is are we going to allow the Supreme and Inferior federal courts to continue to oppress us or are we going to get radical and demand fair treatment. A petition addressed to the Senate that demands they impeach Justice Souter for perjury and religious oppression would cause the Senate to take action much like they did on the border. This is provided it had enough signers. With approximately 105 million voting in the 2000 election a significant number would be 1 to 2 million signers.

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Right To Liberty Threatened By Government

The right to liberty is supposed to be respected by all governments within the jurisdiction of the United States but that is obviously not the case in Atlanta, GA as this excerpt shows.

Transit police handcuffed and cited a man who sold a $1.75 subway token to another rider who was having trouble with a token vending machine. He vows to fight the citation in court.

It is true that there are limits in the right to liberty in that it does not allow license. In this case there is no evidence that the cited man even profited by his action much less showed lack of ethical restraint.

Here is a second case that occurred in Kansas City, Kansas where governmental agents in the form of school officials exceeded their authority.

A school superintendent apologized to a student who was suspended last week for speaking Spanish at school.

In this case at least I do not see why speaking Spanish violates the formation of a more perfect union, the establishment of justice, or any other exception mentioned in the preamble of the Constitution.

I do admit that there is cases when speaking Spanish may violate the rule of liberty such as an individual acts disruptive by refusing to speak the common language of the United States because it is not their preferred language. Or in the first case if the man acted larcenous and had strove to obtain a monopoly on token’s so he could sell them at scalping rates.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Establish Justice By Ending Legal Corruption

The ACLU has jumped on board with both the West Pasco Bar Association and the Clearwater Bar Association in giving Circuit Judge George Greer gift awards for his decision in the Terri Schiavo case. Of course some of the organization deny that the awards were for that particular reason and they expect it is just coincidences that they all decided to reward him for his “fair and unbiased” decisions shortly after he sentenced Terry Schiavo to die a cruel and unusual death for the crime of being “brain dead“.

I have previously shown you where the American Bar Association receives grants from left wing political activist and where Law Schools take activist positions. Judges are supposed to be unbiased in their decisions yet Judge Greer is clearly being rewarded for deciding in favor of these organizations point of view. It sure smells like corruption to me.

According to a Tampa Tribune Article at Tbo.com "The Clearwater Bar Association twice honored him with the John U. Bird Distinguished Jurist Award, in 2001 and in 2004, in part for his work on the Schiavo case. The St. Petersburg Bar Association gave him its Judicial Appreciation Award in 2004."

The North County Gazett questions why an unqualified judge that has been overturned many times on appeal should be granted an award at all in a very well written editorial.

Now that the ACLU who helped in the case against Terri Schiavo is rewarding the judge who decided in their favor the signs of judicial corruption are growing even stronger.

Here is an article about judges excepting gifts and what is considered ethical. One sentence that stood out was as follows

Because of these questions and the potential for conflict, Bilby and other judges have urged their colleagues to stop accepting benefits, such as cocktail receptions, from publishers”

Award dinners sounds like a benefit that Judge Greer needs to stop accepting.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

When Government Censorship Is Good For The People

Here is an article about a study that blames big business for teaching children bad eating habits through advertising. The suggested solution is to give the fast food industry two years to shape up and if they fail then to regulate them. To have big business teach children how to make healthy choices through advertising sounds good except if you are the big business whom makes money because children and the adults they become make poor choices. The people who die and suffer ill health because of those ill choices are considered acceptable losses in their pursuit of reaching the noble goal of making money. I am sure big business will invest money to influence judges and politicians so their goal is not endangered. They may even receive that same money from the taxpayers as a corporate welfare deal.

How you fall on this issue and other issue determines how you feel about the political ideals upon which the United States is founded. According to the Declaration of Independence the purpose of government is to insure the natural human rights of its people. One of those rights the right to life and its descendent the right to health is violated by big business in its quest to obtain wealth. On the other side of the equation is those who will loose their jobs if fast food advertising is regulated and what country they reside in. Since Medicare is a large part of the federal budget and money not spent on junk food will be spent in another then the best action seems to be that regulation is the best choice.

I hold the government needs to be consistent in their action in that they should regulate the sexual and violent content of television and other media as studies have shown that both of these are harmful to the viewers. Alcohol use and marital choices are other places where they can choose to regulate industries. I realize that the opposition will call censorship but if you truly hold to the values upon which the United States was founded then you agree that governments are instituted among human beings to secure the natural human right of life and health even at the cost of a reduction in liberty. This is because the right to life trumps the right to liberty with few exceptions.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Why Do The ACLU And Planned Parenthood Hate Women

The state of Ohio has come up with a radical new ideal according to the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. That radical new ideal is to do what the FDA instructs when using RU486. Their reasoning is that they believe that using RU486 in untested or/and dangerous ways allows more women to get an abortion.

In California Planned Parenthood advised women to use RU486 in ways other than those approved by the FDA in order to reduce doctor oversight. This resulted in at least four women dying of a rare form of septic shock. In at least the case of Holly Patterson a young teen, Planned Parenthood or the hospital did not view her death as an unusual occurrence as they did not report it as such.

Following is a description of the procedures suggested and used as written in a National Right To Life Committee report by Randall K. O'Bannon, Ph.D.

Chemical abortions using RU486 are complicated and painful, involving not just one drug, but two, and multiple office visits. Patients take the first drug, RU486, in the doctor's office, the effect of which is to begin to shut down the baby's life support system. Deprived of nutrients and oxygen, the baby starves or suffocates to death.

A second drug (the prostaglandin misoprostol) is administered a couple of days later to stimulate powerful uterine contractions to expel the tiny corpse. In the protocol approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the patient is supposed to come back to the office to take this drug orally.

However, many clinics are allowing women to take the second drug home with them and self-administer the tablets vaginally. This was the procedure in place at the Hayward Clinic, according to the East Bay Express. A final visit a week or so later would ascertain whether or not the chemical procedure resulted in a dead baby
In a Life News Article the following is cited. "Those same trials found that the efficacy greatly decreased, and side effects and adverse events greatly increased, at gestational ages above 49 days," Ohio State Assistant Attorney General Anne Berry Strait wrote when describing why the law was passed.

Now I am not surprised with Planned Parenthoods objection to any of this since the operate in China where women are forced to kill their babies through abortion. They also operate in India and other countries where a high number of women die of unsafe but legal abortions daily. Remember that Planned Parenthood was originally the Birth Control League and that dead women do not have life babies. They probably justify their support of RU486 with the reasoning that Holly Patterson and the other women died for the noble purpose of controlling the population of the United States. Her parents, whom were neither informed of her intent to get an abortion or her use of RU486, do not see Holly’s death in the same way.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Do Universities Have The Right To Control Our Government?

Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights is an absurd case. The question before the judges is does to federal government have the right to spend their money as the wish. The University a law school has a policy “that forbids the participation of recruiters from public agencies and private companies that have discriminatory policies“. They apply it to the military and the government withdraws governmental support.

I question why the government gives money lawschools anyways. This is because I do not want my money to support a modern liberal organization, no more than I want it to support religious organization I do not agree with. Law schools need to get out of politics even more than other universities.

According to this article "The outcome turns on the First Amendment and whether schools can be made to associate with military recruiters or promote their appearances on campus. "

The outcome has nothing to do with the First Amendment. The government can make conditions for making their grants, just like a bank does when giving a loan. The closest the First Amendment even comes to addressing this subject is the right to peaceably assembly. Read the First Amendment below and you will see there is nothing in it which says whether the government can or can not determine whom anyone can associate with.

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Nerveless the right to liberty though not expressed directly in the Constitution is a right of the people mentioned in the Ninth Amendment and covers the right to associate. The Second Amendment and the duty of the government to provide for the common defense mentioned in the preamble gives the government the right to limit the Universities right to associate, at least when they are paying the University.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Camden, NJ A Victim Of Liberal Assault On The General Welfare

The city of Camden, NJ to the company Morgan Quitno's ranking and they feel picked on. The state of New Jersey has invested $175 million into the city to spur development and take over city government. A higher police presence with higher level technical assistance has reputedly lowed the violent crime by up to 18%

All of this barely touches on the real cause behind Camden’s ills. Camden has a liberal culture and the ills of that culture of no fault divorce and sex outside of marriage is a higher level of violence. According to the 2000 Census data 26.14% of the population live in married households. Camden is also a poor city which only adds insult to injury. If the state really wants to aid Camden and its other cities then they need to encourage stable marriages and make divorce harder.

Stronger marriages will not cure all ills, but the evidence shows that it will decrease the level of violent crime. Lower crime will encourage the growth of businesses and more students will attend the local university as the people feel more safe and secure from the tyranny of others. The institutionalized population is 4.32% or about 1 person for every 25 individuals. Institutionalized individuals include such individuals as those in prison, mental hospitals, and senior citizen homes.

Provo, UT has a marriage rate of 56.96 and an institutionalized population of .84% according to the 2000 census data. It also has a violent crime rate of 140.1 per 100,000 people in 2004. No one should be surprised it is a wealthy but very conservative city in a conservative state. Compare that with Camden, NJ which had a violent crime rate of 2261.7 per 100,000 during the same period. That is 16 times greater and New Jersey is a very liberal state. Boston, MA is also very liberal city in a liberal state with a marriage rate of 27.45% and an institutionalized population of 1.44%. It has a violent crime level of 1192.4 incidents per 100,000 population which is approximately half of Camden’s. According to City-data.com their incomes are as follows Camden, NJ, $23,421; Boston, MA, $39,629; and Provo, UT 34,313.

In conclusion the liberal cultural is linked to low marriage rates which leads to high crime rates. So while the modern liberal philosophy dominates the Democratic party a vote for a Democrat is a vote against marriage and a vote for higher crime.

An Activist Judge Rules Teaching Children Random Violence Is Constitutional

This CNN article tells of a judge whom practices the ACLU philosophy that the republic form of government in the United States is best as long as the people do what far left say. In particul U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Kennelly believes that violent video games are a form of free speech and that the Illinois government has insignificant proof to interfere with such a practice.

The free speech argument has an obvious flaw in that the only thing the games could be doing is advocating is violence. In JFK Reloaded that means that it teaches the user to assassinate a President. When when teaching children these action it is called contributing to the delinquency of a minor. At least two of the games covered clearly violate Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 115 Section 2385 of the United States Legal Code which states.

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or ….

Grand The Auto advocates teaches the shooting of police officers who are officers of the government and JFK Reloaded which teaches shooting a President of the United States who is also an officer of the government. Video games are a teaching tool.

The state law codes about contributing to the delinquency of a minor and the federal law code forbidding the overthrow of the government obviously contradict this activist judge when he states the following.

"In this country, the state lacks the authority to ban protected speech on the ground that it affects the listener's or observer's thoughts and attitudes," the judge wrote.

He also needs to read Roe v. Wade which states that for reason of health the government has the right to restrict the rights of its citizens. The General Welfare, Domestic Tranquility and Justice clauses of the Constitution all give the government the right to restrict speech.