The Democrat Party And The Communist Party Are The Same
One of the Communist goals submitted into Congressional Record on January 10, 1963 was
The following is to show that the Democrat party is already under control of the Communist Party.
The evidence I am submitting to for your examination comes from the website of the Communist Party.
As you can see from this Call to Action by Joelle Fishman the Communist party is opposed to President Bush and the Republican Party. They support the Democrat party in 2006.
This document by the CPUSA Political Action Committee shows that they support open borders
They have the same view of Hurricane Katrina and support judicial activism.
From what I see on the CPUSA website there is no disagreement between them and the Democrat party and their wording gives me the ideal that they consider the later as comrades in arms against the evil conservatives. The question is do you want to back the Communist party or do you want to fight for the true freedoms that our rights as human beings. It is your choice.
#15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S.
The following is to show that the Democrat party is already under control of the Communist Party.
The evidence I am submitting to for your examination comes from the website of the Communist Party.
As you can see from this Call to Action by Joelle Fishman the Communist party is opposed to President Bush and the Republican Party. They support the Democrat party in 2006.
Our strategic goal is to change the balance of forces in Congress. A Democratic majority can hold the Bush administration accountable. It will strengthen the peace movement. The best path to end the war and bring the troops home, the best path to impeach Bush and Cheney, is to elect a Democratic majority and keep up the mass pressure. There is also a need to search out and elect more advanced fighters for peace and human needs at every level including Congress.
In this article by The National Committee of The Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) you can see that they are against the war in Iraq and complains about Bush rolling back the gains made by the people.
The Bush-Cheney Administration has plunged our nation into the worst Constitutional crisis since the Civil War. The abuses of power they have committed are legion: an illegal pre-emptive war, lying to Congress and the people, warrant-less spying, mass incarceration of innocent people here and around the world, torture, corrupt no-bid contracts with crony corporations like Halliburton, criminal negligence in abandoning the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
They have unleashed a wholesale assault on all the gains of the people won over the past century: Social Security, civil rights and voting rights, civil liberties, health and safety laws, environmental regulations. They would impose on us a new world order of raw corporate greed while driving down wages and working conditions to Wal-Mart levels.
This document by the CPUSA Political Action Committee shows that they support open borders
We need positive immigration reform.
History shows that as long as extremes of inequality exist between countries, labor migration will continue. The pro-corporate policies of our government that impoverish other nations must be changed. Immigration law should protect the interests of both immigrant and non-immigrant workers.
Organized labor and community and religious groups urge the following constructive program for immigration reform:
• Legalization with a clear path to citizenship must be allowed for existing undocumented immigrants, and future immigrants, with a priority on family reunification.
* Immigrants must be able to participate in labor, religious, civic and cultural activities without fear of deportation.
* “Guest worker” programs have historically been prone to exploitation. Separate has never been equal. Instead, implement improved labor protections and stronger enforcement for immigrants and citizen workers.
Repressive policies like those proposed in HR 4437 must be rejected. They are unjust and counterproductive, and make immigrant workers more vulnerable to exploitation and other injustices.
Immigration policy is scheduled for debate in the Senate in February. Contact and urge your senators today to reject HR 4437 and all repressive anti-immigrant measures, and to vote for legalization of immigrants with a clear path to citizenship and full labor and civil rights for all people. Call the congressional s
switchboard: (202) 224-3121.
They have the same view of Hurricane Katrina and support judicial activism.
Katrina helped millions of people to see the connections between issues, such as war spending and infrastructure repair, as well as to reconsider the assumptions that frame and legitimize the administration's policies, such as smaller government is better than bigger government.
Finally, Katrina punctured the artfully constructed myth that Bush is the best guardian of our nation's security.
Since the 1960s the conservative movement has bristled at what it calls the 'rights revolution' that began with the great civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King.
The passage of civil rights legislation set in train the enactment of a string of judicial decisions by the Warren Court that expanded democratic rights for millions of people who had been reduced to second and third class citizenship.
For conservatives these decisions were at loggerheads with a strict constructionist reading of the constitution and cut into the authority of the legislative branch of government. Indeed they wrapped their objections in constitutionalist language and derided what they call 'judicial activism from the bench.'
From what I see on the CPUSA website there is no disagreement between them and the Democrat party and their wording gives me the ideal that they consider the later as comrades in arms against the evil conservatives. The question is do you want to back the Communist party or do you want to fight for the true freedoms that our rights as human beings. It is your choice.