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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Cohabitation Is A Threat To America's Security And Happiness

A Missouri couple is suing the city of Black Jack, Missouri over a housing ordinance that levels a $500 a day fine on unmarried couple and their children living together. They claim the law is unconstitutional. I find this hard to believe as laws forbidding cohabitation have been on the books as long as or longer than the U.S. Constitution has been around.

The article is not clear but I assume they are speaking of the U.S. Constitution The Tenth Amendment states quite clearly that any powers not specifically given to the federal government are reserved to the state. The U.S. Constitution mentions the jurisdiction of the federal courts in Article 3 Section 2 and suits between a state and a resident of the same state are not part of its jurisdiction. The Twelfth Amendment further limit’s the power of the federal judicial branch and the Fourteenth Amendment which the federal government uses to justify stealing their power from the states only gives Congress the power to legislate in order to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. The courts can then act to adjudicate cases involving that legislation. Congress has never passed a law that legalizes cohabitation.

If we ignored the U.S. Constitution’s jurisdiction requirements and allowed the federal courts could illegally adjudicate the issue then they would also be violating the rule of law in their disobedience of the separation of powers that grants all legislation powers to Congress and grants the courts merely the power to judge according to the law. Since cohabitation is not specifically legalized by the U.S. Constitution then it follows the power to do so is reserved to the states according to the Tenth Amendment.

The town of Black Jack, Missouri is acting well within it’s duties to protect the natural human rights of its people as the preponderance of evidence shows that cohabitation is a danger to American society. The problem is we have too many civil libertarian judges who ignore the evidence and break the law. This will remain while all we do is grumble about their corrupt behavior. We need to act. One way of acting is to petition Congress to impeach these enemies of the U.S. Constitution and therefore of the security and happiness of the American people.

Source 1 is article about lawsuit

Source 2 is about the negative effects of Cohabitation

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Effects Of The Illegal Hispanic Invasion

The Christian Monitor came out with this report on a poll that states Latinos are coming together as a political force after the protest marches in March. In the poll 63% if Latinos expressed confidence that the rallies started a new social movement. Of the Latinos in the U.S. approximately 40% are illegal and many are loyal to their home country making uniting as Hispanics difficult. The percentage of illegal in the poll is not indicated which make the poll unreliable for predicting how naturalized Hispanics feel.

In addition to their lack of unity, their lack of English language skill makes it difficult for them to navigate the bureaucracy. It seems that many do no comprehend that a misdemeanor is still a crime, which is understandable as most American given a speeding ticket do not believe they have committed a crime. There is also a high level of apathy in the naturalized Hispanic community compared to either black or white.

The good news is that Hispanics who remain loyal to their native lands and do not make the effort to learn the English language are the greatest threat to American culture but the least threat to America through the voting system as they will be less united and will have trouble will the political process. The bad news is that there is always organizations like the federally funded La Raza to help them overcome those difficulties.

There is also an article from the Associated Press that states illegal immigrants are not hurting American jobs. It compares illegal immigrant populations to employment rate. It is not a very informative study as if a person is going to invade a country to break the law then they are also going to travel to areas that have more available employment. The question the study did not answer is what is the effect on the wages of American workers if any. The general rule is that excess labor keeps labor costs down. If the demand for labor stayed the same and the supply went down because of the absence of illegal immigrants than the general rule of thumb is that their would be wage inflation. The disadvantage is that their would be less consumers which may increase unemployment. Considering a large source of Mexico’s income in money sent home from illegal immigrants and a large part of American tax burden is supplying government services to illegal immigrants it seems probable that the benefits of cutting back on illegal immigrants would exceed the disadvantages.

Source 1 Poll on Hispanics coming together politically

Source 2 Study comparing unemployment rate to size of Hispanic population

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Congress Threatens To Violate The Secound Amendment

The nations governors are once more opposing an attempt by the federal government to interfere with the National Guard. First it was the attempts of the Bush administration to cut the number of National Guard troops and now it is an attempt of Congress to usurp authority of the National Guard during emergency. Congress is using Katrina and the National Guards reaction speed during that event as an excuse but I well remember that the National Guards reaction was no slower than FEMA which is under federal control.

The central government ignores the Second Amendment in its greed for power. They are well aware that a single person has less power the greater in size the constituents grow and that the state governments are is capable as the federal government is of taking care of its own people. The state government is more concerned with its own people at the federal government has 50 states plus a number of territories to concerned with.

U.S. Constitution Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Originally the militia were under town control but that right was usurped by the states to create the state guards just after the Civil War. The state guard was further altered to become the National Guard in the beginning of the Twentieth Century. The ideal would be to return the Guard back to the control of the local communities or to create an alternative that would be in the towns control, but this would be a threat to the dominance of the federal government. It of course was meant to be a threat so that the rights of the people to rule themselves would be honored by both the state and federal governments.

I agree with Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco that the National Guard numbers should be increased as Guard members are citizen soldiers that are called up at need instead of regular soldiers that are always in service.

Source 1 is about Congress proposing removing state checks and balances before guard is placed under federal control.

Source 2 is about Bush administration plans to reduce the National Guard.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Paris Hilton Champions Abstinence Only Education

Some moral values come out of Hollywood and it seems the main stream media does not think it is important enough to report. I obtained this article from Yahoo news who does not keep there articles on file very long. The reporter is Natalie Finn but the title which is “That's Not Hot: Paris Preaches Abstinence” is not accurate since you do not have to be sexually loose to be “Hot”.

Paris Hilton amazed most people when during a in an interview for the September issue of British GQ she came out and said “People think I sleep with everyone, but I'm not like that," Hilton told the magazine. "Kissing is all I do.”. She mitigated that by also saying "I'm not having sex for a year. I've decided...I'll kiss, but nothing else."

Her reasoning is she wants to know if men are after her for sex or if they are sincerely interested in her. She goes on to say that she only intends to get married once and that when she goes out on dates she wants to be treated like a princess.

I mention this because the values Ms. Hilton is speaking of are values known to be good for our society. They are the last values I expected to hear from anyone associated with Hollywood. We know that divorce is bad for our society, if only for the short and long term effects it has on children. There are adverse effects even in individuals that do not have children. Sex before marriage and adultery can have disaster consequences for our society. I suspicion that much of the drug use and crime can be traced to weak or no family bonds.

Source 1 is about divorce effects on children

Source 2 is about the effects of divorce on society

Source 3 is about the effects of cohabitation on society

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Truth About The Right To Die Movement

I remember of the case of Karen Ann Quimby and how the media spun it to appeal to my heartstrings. I was a dope and fell for it hook line in sinker. I was so deep that I did not make a connection when I read a medical article in a hospital waiting room on more transplant parts can be obtained from a “coma” patient than from a dead one. I watched Robin Cook’s show coma and said to myself could never happen. Over time events happened that destroyed my faith in the righteousness of our medical staff and began to realize how naive I had been. Terri’s Shiavo’s death and my debates about it just brought to light that the one of the main purpose of the “right to die” movement may be to obtain body for expensive transplant operations. It also showed that Americans can be put to death by doctors and hospitals without a due processes of law. When the face transplant operation was performed in France the face came from a women that was declared “brain dead”. It seems donors such as these is not enough to meet the demand for donor organs so the Western medical community has decided to switch the definition of death. So just the warning that when you have enter a hospital with a donor card you may end up leaving in pieces. It may happen even if you do not have a donor card as is the case involving dead bodies and a body harvesting lab in New Jersey.

Source 1 Definition of death changed to obtain organs.

Source 2 Scandal involving body harvesting lab

Source 3 France transplant using organs from “brain dead” woman