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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Educating Immigrants On Being Americans

The government has unveiled a draft of a new citizenship test they will be trying out in several cities. The questions on the test are certainly things that all American citizens should know. I would probably want a more involved test that goes into the basics of the rights and privileges of Americans and emphasizes not only our founding documents but at least some of the documents that support them.

Never the less the article claims that immigrants will be required to show a deeper understanding of American history and government which is an idea I support. I do realize that education is only part of the solution as human beings seem to forget knowledge they are not using.

The one complaint I have with the test is the statement “equality for all Americans” which is correct if you are talking of their possession of natural human rights but is not correct if you are talking socioeconomic standing. The later is a teaching of socialist and not of the Founders of the United States..

This sounds like a step in the right direction though it does not solve the illegal invasion the United States is undergoing.

Source 1 is about a rough draft for a new immigration test.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Violation Of The Separation Of Powers

U.S. District Judge Audrey Collins is an activist judge who has decided that the President of the United States does not have the power to arrange foreign policy despite Article 2 Section 2 of the Constitution giving him many aspect of that power. She has applied the Bill of Rights to foreign organization when that bill is clearly intended to be applied only to American citizens and their decedents since it states in the preamble “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”.

Congress does have the power to regulate the Presidents exercise of the foreign policy power but in those cases when they have chosen not to and no treaty binds him then he has a free hand. Judge Collins did not display either regulation by Congress or a treaty that would forbid the President from declaring foreign organization terrorist organizations. She has instead violated the separation of powers by interfering between the President and his duty to negotiate with foreign powers.

She did this by stating that one part of the Patriot Act was so vague a person of average intelligence could not understand it. I question whether or not she even looked at a study which gave evidence that point was true. It is irrelevant since the Patriot Act just gave a power to Bush that was already his according to the U.S. Constitution. The most this vague section could do is regulate how he exercises that power and if it is so vague then he would be bound by that regulation.

If this had been a case of domestic organizations then the Fourth Amendment would have made it necessary for the President to get some kind of warrant to take the action he proposed. The assembly clause of the First Amendment would not of applied even then unless he was stopping the organization from meeting. I see no evidence he was doing that even with these foreign organizations.

Source 1 is article about Judge striking down President’s ability to declare foreign organizations to be terrorist organizations.

Source 2 is a second article with a different point of view about the Judges action.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Primary Target Of The Hedonistic Barbarians Is Children

My source for this commentary is a very informative article by Martha Irvine of the Associated Press which talks about pre teens behaving and looking more and more like teens. I am convinced that a lot of this is the result of the cultural war between Judeo-Christian civilization and Atheistic Hedonistic barbarianism.

The physical facet may be attributed to better nutrition or overeating as proposed my some experts but I favor the presence of both actual or artificial male and female homes in the environment. The evidence I have of this shows that such presence exist in the water which we all need to live. They are also secreted by each of us so they may well be a God given method of birth control as a males sperm level decreases with exposure to some of them.

The cultural facet is that advertising firms make money out of sexualizing children and they put money before ethics. Those companies that do not do so find themselves falling behind in the marketplace. This is also complicated by permissive parents or those who actively encourage the sexualization of their own children. These poor quality parents then become a threat to the children of other parents who are not so permissive because of peer pressure.

I have not mentioned the effect of divorce and cohabitation on children which increases their risk factor. It is better for a mother to be a single parent that cohabitate as far as behavior according to some statistics I have seen though she and her child will suffer economically. A married family is the most stable and economically well off unit there is which does not mean there are not some bad marriages.

Please read the article I mentioned which is my first source below. Then consider that we need to act to reverse the trend that has struck the U.S. and other nations. We have the federal courts as well as a number of activist and politician against us. We can use boycotts or pressure our politicians to legislate. We need to spread the word to others so that those who are concerned have a chance of becoming stronger in number. We need to consider ways to compete with, win over, weaken, or eliminate those are against us.

Source 1 is article by Martha Irvine.

Source 2 is hormones causing feminizing of Fish in Denmark

Source 3 is effect of hormones on frogs

Source 4 is more about hormones and other pollutants effect on human health.

Source 5 is a short commentary and some books you might want to read about the Sexualizing of children.