Why Do Conservatives Fail This Intelligence Test?
Let me see why do Americans appear stupid. It is most like because they have sectarian blind spots. Liberals for instance are unable to understand while it is a contradiction to take the word of biologist on the theory of evolution but reject the word on those same biologist when they say human life begins at conception. Conservatives make more sense in the are as they point out that evolution is just a theory while the point at which life begins is not. Then we come to the conservative blind spot. They complain about taxes and then aid Warren Buffet to pay a lower portion of his taxes to the government than his own secretary by reducing the capital gains tax. Not satisfied with that absurdity they turn around and aid him again so he will not have to pay as much of a death tax.
OK! Time for an intelligence test. If the rich pay less taxes then who will make up the difference? Will it be the poor who can hardly afford to feed and cloth themselves or will be the middle class who is supporting the tax cuts for the rich.? Who is the fool? If the Republican want to reduce taxes then they should reduce income taxes and equal percentage across the board. I would not mind if I was paying 70%, 80%, or even 90% of what I pay now but I do mind giving someone else a taxe break while I have the same burden and will probably end up greater burden later.