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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Why Do Conservatives Fail This Intelligence Test?

This is commentary about gullibility and taxes and the repeal of the “grave tax” supported by the general Republican. Taxes are the fee we owe the government for governing.

Let me see why do Americans appear stupid. It is most like because they have sectarian blind spots. Liberals for instance are unable to understand while it is a contradiction to take the word of biologist on the theory of evolution but reject the word on those same biologist when they say human life begins at conception. Conservatives make more sense in the are as they point out that evolution is just a theory while the point at which life begins is not. Then we come to the conservative blind spot. They complain about taxes and then aid Warren Buffet to pay a lower portion of his taxes to the government than his own secretary by reducing the capital gains tax. Not satisfied with that absurdity they turn around and aid him again so he will not have to pay as much of a death tax.

OK! Time for an intelligence test. If the rich pay less taxes then who will make up the difference? Will it be the poor who can hardly afford to feed and cloth themselves or will be the middle class who is supporting the tax cuts for the rich.? Who is the fool? If the Republican want to reduce taxes then they should reduce income taxes and equal percentage across the board. I would not mind if I was paying 70%, 80%, or even 90% of what I pay now but I do mind giving someone else a taxe break while I have the same burden and will probably end up greater burden later.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Which Is Worse, To Be Called Names Or Have Your Life And Limb Put In Danger?

Mel Gibson is stopped for drunk driving, an American pastime that kills thousands and injures a multiple more every year. The complaints I here about his anti-Semite comments. There is evidence that many Jews in Hollywood are less incensed with his remarks than the impression the media gives.

Mr. Gibson has apologized and asked Jews to aid him find a “path to healing”. ABC/Disney did not believe that is good enough and yanked his Holocaust mini-series. The problem I see is that very mini-series is a way for him to show that he is truly sorry for his words.

What bothers me most as I see little actual concern with his action of getting in a vehicle when his abilities and his mind were impaired by alcohol.

His first crime was against himself and occurred when he decided to drink more than one to two glasses of alcohol. It is a crime that we as Americans choose not to penalize. From that point on his judgment was impaired so he aggravated his crime by choosing to drive and then resist arrest and make mean spirited comments that happened to also be bigoted.

We should not forget that this all started with the self destructive crime of alcoholism. We should not forget the people he endangered by choosing to drive drunk. We should not forget that actions hurt more than words.

Source 1 is about many Hollywood Jewish Leaders being silent.

Source 2 is about Mr. Gibson asking help to find a path of healing

Source 3 is about ABC/Disney pulling Holocaust mini series

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What Is Racism And What Is Not Racism

I am beginning to think the average American is insane or at least our leadership. Last fall the NAACP got angry about the “racist” song “Pick A Bale of Cotton”. The thing is that “Pick A Bale of Cotton” is a black folk song and can hardly be considered racist. So is the NAACP angry because blacks made the most of their poverty and leaned to enjoy themselves. I always thought that was an inspiration for Americans in general.

Now Governor Romney of Massachusetts apologizes for his remark comparing the Big Dig to the Tar Baby in an Uncle Remus tale. The analogy fits if you consider the Big Dig is a trick the government stuck their nose in and got trapped. Tar baby is not a racist remark as the tale is written by Joel Chandler Harris and are supposed to be based on tales told him by slaves when he was a young boy. I guess some people just want to reject the rich history of blacks for their own personal reason. My guess if they face up to it then they have to admit that blacks under the Democratic party have been their own worse enemy.

They might have to admit that the Democrat politics of legalized abortion has resulted in blacks being killed at three times the rate of whites even before they exit their own mother’s womb. They might have to admit that no fault divorce and cohabitation which are both supported by the Democrat party have decimated black family life. The soft on crime approach and the legalized drugs are just as dangerous as the poor are more subject to both in their want of status and escape from reality and human beings tend to prey on those closest to them.

I leave it up to you to decide what racism is real and what is a delusion.

Source 1 is the Uncle Remus Tale of "Brer Rabbit AND The Tar Baby"

Source 2 is an account of the NAACP v. "Pick A Bale Of Cotton"

Source 3 is an account of Governor Romney's Apology for his Tar Baby remark.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Rule Of Law Is Missing In Action In Florida

There is an interesting case where a Florida state panel of nurses found that there is probable cause to revoke the license of Carla Sauer-Iyer a former nurse of Terri Schiavo of breaching medical confidentiality by giving testimony to the media.

What I find so interesting is that Carla Sauer-Iyer testimony states that Terri was “was reactive to her environment, to herself, and to other people”. Now if what she said was false then it would not be a breach of confidentiality. Just imagine you tell a friend a secret and that friend tell another person a lie about what that secret is. Did you friend breach your confidentiality by telling that lie? So the charge against nurse Sauer-Iyer is only valid if what she said was true and if so it reveals there is something rotten in Florida and it is most likely the rule of law.

Governor Bush stepped in and like most politicians missed the contradiction and said that the nurse Sauer-Iver should not loose her license because what she said was on public record.

This is most likely true as Carla Sauer-Iyer states she made a report to the Pinellas County sheriff's office. This is the same police office where Michael Schiavo was employed at starting in late 2004 and his mistress’s mother retired from in 1999 after 20 years of service. Sheriff Everett Rice who was her supervisor hired Michael.

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3