The American Bar Association Is Guilty Of Treason
Now I am onto activist judges I felt a need to mention the American Bar Association which seem to be a type of union. The American Bar Association started in 1878 and it is a voluntary association of lawyers and law students. It sets academic standards for law schools and is responsible for formation of model legal codes. It claims to provide programs to assist lawyers and judges in their work. They also give a rating to judicial appointees. The ABA influence on who passes the bar seems to be indirect.
750 N Lake Shore Drive Chicago IL 60611
Telephone: 312 988 5000
Fax: 312 988 5151
WEB Address:
Assosiation: Other NGOs associate with DPI
Main Activity: Human Rights
With all the power I outlined above the American Bar Association is a NGO of the United Nations pledged to carry out the principles of the organization. So what happens when the principles of the United Nations run into conflict with the law of the United States?
Rutgers University School of Law in Newark, New Jersey wrote:
“Another goal is to utilize existing law in creative and novel ways to ensure both that animals are protected, and to stimulate discussion inside and outside the legal system about the need to provide justice -- and not just charity -- to the non-human with whom humans share this planet.”
Rutgers University is the state University of New Jersey as well as being on the approved list of schools of the American Bar Association. I wanted to direct your attention how this school teaches its students to be liberal activist and misuse the law.
An example of this activism is when the Clearwater Bar Association gave Judge Greer their highest honor for how good he was doing in the Teri Schiavo case before the case was settled. This is normally considered a form of bribery but not one lawyer is reported as being bothered by it occurring.
Another example is when a number of law schools sued the federal government about recruiting on Campus because they wanted to change the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.
My sources are
Source 1 is Rutgers Accreditations page.
Source 2 is verification of the American Bar Associations NGO status
Source 3 is information about how to obtain a license to practice law in the US
Source 4 is an information page about the American Bar Association that I found what powers and influences they have.
Source 5 is where students are taught to misuse the law in order to advance their political agenda.
So since the American Bar Association is aiding the United Nations in its attack on the Constitution of the United States they are guilty of treason against the United States according to the definition of treason that is written in the U.S. Constitution.