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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

A Way To Curb The Threat Of Non Government Organizations To Our Constitution

On June 26,1945 we became a member of the United Nations. In doing this we agreed to accept the obligations contained in the charter. Now who was involved in this agreement was Franklin D. Roosevelt a Democrat who was president from 1933 to 1945 and contributed to the development but died 2 months previous to the signing of the charter. Harry S. Truman another Democrat and his Vice President succeeded him and oversaw the formation of the United Nations. I am mighty curious to find out what party the Senators whom chose to ratify the United Nations charter belonged to. I can almost guarantee you that every Democrat voted for it and any dissenters were Republican.

According to Secretary General Annan the United Nations has universal jurisdiction over ‘human rights and fundamental freedoms’. The charter does not state that. What it does state is that the Declaration of human rights is a goal to be reached by member states. I can see where at least two articles can be used to violate human rights but Article 29-2 and Article 30 create a balance point for them. We as the United States need to call the United Nations and its member nations to honor the Declaration of Human Rights.

The Constitution has authority over any treaties and the except in areas where the federal government is already granted jurisdiction over the state governments by the Constitution they can not legally violate the Tenth Amendment by forcing such compliance to a treaty on the states.

Now the interpretation that has been adopted by organizations within the United Nations and Non-Government Organizations contradicts the Declaration of human rights. Such organization which are pretending they are protecting our human rights are the American Civil Liberties Union, The American Bar Association, and Human Rights Watch among others. All the organization I named previously are left wing associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information.

These are the organizations that the Congress of the United States is urging Russia to be lenient on. I have no wish in any way to support the liberal agenda whether it is at home or abroad. The Republicans who voted for this bill should demand instead that the United Nation would clean them up and require that they acted in compliance with the Declaration of Human Rights. I suggest a letter writing campaign to all your federal Congressional members and to the UN Department of Public Information demanding just that for violation of several articles of the Declaration of Human Right some of which I list below.

Article 18.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 16.
(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
(3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Article 25.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.

(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Cultural Mexican American War And The Subversives Among Us

America is in a second Mexican America war though this one is a cultural war where the invaders attempt to alter and change the existing culture to be more in line with there own. In first Mexican American War began with an attack on American troops on Apr. 25, 1846. Today the attack is to cross over the border and infiltrate the American society as a whole. One of the reasons given for the attack was that the United States annexed Texas which had declared its independence form Mexico ten years previously. Mexico still considered Texas part of its sovereign territory. This makes sense since China considers Tai Wan part of its territory despite the fact that the latter has been independent for 6 decades or so. The result of the war is that the United States ended up with California and New Mexico and the recognition that Texas was part of the United States. The Gadsden Purchase of 1853 secured the rest of the territorial acquisitions from Mexico.

Now what this has to do with the relationship between the United States and Mexico today is that Mexico considers that the United States occupies their territories. The Mexican Consulate has distributed Spanish language books in the Schools of the United States that state just that. America is now talking about placing a barrier on the United States/Mexican border to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country and this is irritating to Mexico. Mexico defends their invasion of our territory by saying that we need their labor to keep our countries economy functioning. Mind you at the same time they tell their citizens who are in both Mexico and the United States that we are occupiers.

The ACLU, Open Society Institute and other liberal organizations are of coarse is allied with Mexico in their fight against the unjust occupation of Mexican territory by the United States. On the right we have U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business organizations who profit from paying illegal immigrants untaxed substandard wages. Standing up for the security of the United States we have the Minute Men who President Bush has called vigilantes. Bush and many congressional Republicans pander to the business concerns and demand a guess worker program that in my mind sounds no different from the catch and release program and as ineffective in protecting the security of the United States.

Mexico and other Hispanic countries have been successful in their efforts to conquer the United States up to this point. Their success has been in large part due to the activities of the Democratic party and their core leftwing constituents. The policy embraced by the Democrats of deliberately and arbitrarily killing children that are still in their mothers womb has had the result that Hispanic women are more fertile than either white or black women. This success has cause the Hispanic population to increase while other culture shrink or remain stable in numbers. The business and government have responded to this by increasingly requiring Spanish language skills in customer service positions and a vote in the Florida legislature for Spanish to be taught as a mandatory language in schools. Support for the ideals of the Declaration and the Constitution of the United States are already weak in both major parties as the federal courts regularly tramp all it.

In conclusion I have but one question to ask. Do you support the cultural invasion by Mexico, Europe and their Democrat allies or are you willing to stand up for the freedom that the men and women of America fought the Revolution War to achieve. If you do support it please be as vocal as possible as our founders felt it was better to be dead than to be denied liberty.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Cases About The Judicial Branch Forbidding The Free Exercise Of Religion In America

In America religious oppression is the normal with activist judges and politicians backing it up consistently. I will cover two cases which prove this hypothesis is true.

One case is about Cynthia Simpson a Wicca petitioned the Chesterfield Board of Supervisors to add her name to those who open board meetings with a prayer. The board turned her down saying they had the right to limit the prayers to the Judeo-Christian beliefs and religions based on a single God. The ACLU abandoned their usual pro-atheist position and defended her right to practice her religion with the following words.

"Although Establishment Clause jurisprudence may be beset with conflicting tests, uncertain outcomes and ongoing debate, one principle has never been compromised ... that one religious denomination cannot be officially preferred over another,"

In this case the ACLU is correct in general but not specific. Judeo Christian beliefs and other religions based on a single God are not one religious denomination and should not be considered such. This has a weak link at best with the non establishment clause of the Constitution as the Chesterfield Board is not evangelizing for any particular denomination but are instead limiting free expression thereof in a forum they have allowed. The ACLU is pressing their own agenda and attempting to get the court to except their legal view which will lead to all theist religions being banned. This is because the Supreme Court has already decided that the practice of all religions, which the ACLU is advocating, violates the non- establishment clause of the Constitution. I am assuming the ACLU knows case law. Below is an excerpt from the 1786 Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom that backs up what I say about the non-establishment clause of the First Amendment.

Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in nowise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

Chesterfield County, VA is a rich influential county with almost double the average wages as Great Falls, SC. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided wrongly because the free exercise clause was developed by sincere Christians who know it is not God’s Way to force religion on others and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Therefore Christians and others in the United States who want to show their faith publicly pray and as they obey God must show the same consideration to other people that worship in other ways even to tolerating their free expression of those religions. Section 15 and16 of the 1776 Virginia Bill of Rights backs up what I just stated as you can see below.

15. That no free government, or the blessing of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.

16. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our CREATOR, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity, towards each other.

A second case is when the shoe is on the other foot and a Wicca oppresses the free exercise of religion of Christians to the harm of both theist groups and the benefit of the atheistic establishment. In Great Falls, South Carolina Darla Kaye Wynne a Wicca won a federal court case against this small and poor town. Her lawsuit demanded that they remove the name of Jesus Christ from their prayers. I read her complaint which seems to be totally unrelated to the lawsuit so I am wondering if the ACLU steered her lawsuit to achieve their own atheistic establishment agenda and left her still being persecuted for her beliefs.

Now the federal judges found in her favor and ordered Jesus Christ removed from the town prayer. The judges obviously did not care what the Constitution states since it refers to Jesus as Lord with the phrase “in the year of our Lord”. The ACLU achieved its objective of making this an non-establishment case when it was a free exercise of religion case instead. Praying is not evangelism and therefore is not a violation of the non-establishment clause. Even if the government was forcing others to pray according to a particular formula, as the federal judges are doing. it is still a free exercise of religion issue.

Once again I urge all Americans to let people worship as they will without attempting to force them to worship your way. This is true whether they are of some Christian, Wicca, Atheist, or other denomination. You are free as an individual to evangelize and share your faith as are all Americans no matter their beliefs. On the other hand the government because it is supported by is all is restricted from doing so. We as Christians need to practice our general faith by being tolerant of others faith or the Atheist will win by playing us against one another. If we do not then the Secular Atheist will win as they already have in many European countries and this only because Christianity is just an empty husk.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Patriot Act's Threat To Our Blessings Of Liberty

I have addressed the Patriot Act which is before Congress at this time. There are three sticking points in the Patriot Act Mentioned in this article. One complaint is the use of “security letters” by the FBI as can be seeing from this cite.

They also say it doesn't place enough limits on the FBI's use of National Security Letters, which compel third parties to produce those documents during terrorism investigations.

I agree with this complaint because a rose by any other name is still a rose and a warrant by any other name is still a warrant. The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution is very adamant that the rights of persons to their property be inviolate from unreasonable searches and seizures. It also states a warrant even if you call it a security letter shall be issued but for probable cause. The executive branch in the form of the FBI is limited to executive power while the judicial branch is limited to judicial power. While the judicial branch can not legally seize anything themselves neither is the executive branch allowed the power to determine if there is a probable cause for such seizer. Exceptions are made when the time needed to consult a judge is considered a unnecessary burden for the executive to perform their service to protect the common defense or insure justice.

The other two items which are covered in this passage I cite from the article are constitutional.

...authorizing roving wiretaps and permitting secret warrants for books, records and other items from businesses, hospitals and organizations such as libraries.

Why I say that is that you communications are your property and can easily be covered under the word “effects” in the Fourth Amendment. Providing a judge gives the OK for a roving wiretap such a seizer is referred to as a justified invasion of your property.

Then we have the secret searches. The Forth Amendment nor any other part of the Constitution mandates that the government tell its citizens anything. The only legislature that does so that I am aware of is the Freedom of Information Act and that has a security exception. In addition a latter Act of Congress overrides an earlier Act unless a judge decides it was not intended to or Congress specifically states such in the Act..

Saying all of this I wonder what Congress will decide and if it will be challenged in court. Whatever the case the people of the United States can decide whether to hold their representatives accountable for any violation of the Constitution and I trust an informed public to watch out for their own interests more than I trust any branch of the federal government. I will vote Republican only because the Democrats violate the Constitution more often and to a greater extent than the Republicans.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A Case Of Statutory Rape And A Proposed Solution

Today I read a report about a 22 year old man that married a 14 year old girl because the later was pregnant. He is being charged with statutory rape. Statutory rape is the crime that assumes that children below the age of consent are not mentally or emotionally mature enough to avoid being tricked into sex by sexual predators. Her mother did consent but the father did not. But the law requires the approval of both of her parents. If her father still has parental rights over her and did not give his consent the marriage is null and void.

The mitigating circumstances are as follows. The man in this case does not act like a predator though he obviously does not recognize that a thirteen year is mentally and emotionally underdeveloped. The benefit of marriage is overwhelming, though marriages involving teens are more likely to break up. Prison has the problem that bad character corrupts good behavior. They also have a child together. As an aggravating factor I see the age difference which is she was at least 13 barely entering her teens and he 21 when they has sex together.

In order to establish justice the judge in this case should give the perpetrator probation of at least four years and preferably more years. This is because after four years the victim would reach her majority. As conditions of this probation he would have to stay married, non abusive, non-debaucheries and non-adulterous and have a means of financial support. If he proved undependable then jail would be waiting for him.

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Mexican Consulate Undermines The Common Defense Of The United States

I heard a story on Fox News about the Mexican Consulate distributing Spanish language books in the United States. Seems that other news sources believed this is a non story as I found no mention of it on online news services. The point of objection of these books is that they are critical of the United States, stating among other things that Americans occupy Mexican lands. Last I heard Mexicans took those lands from the Indians that resided there previously. That is of course a point the Mexican Consulate does not consider important.

The Texas war of Independence had the below complaints which I am citing from The Texas Declaration of Independence.

The Mexican government, by its colonization laws, invited and induced the Anglo-American population of Texas to colonize its wilderness under the pledged faith of a written constitution, that they should continue to enjoy that constitutional liberty and republican government to which they had been habituated in the land of their birth, the United States of America.

In other words Mexico encourage American citizens to immigrate to Texas and then moved to oppress them. The situation is now on the other foot with the United States encouraging Mexican citizens to immigrate into the United States though we do not oppress them. I do not want to behave in an oppressive way and the federal policy on immigration has to change but I can not justify deporting people who we invited in by our lax enforcement of the law. I urge the federal government to allow these people to become full American citizens and take courses on natural law as it was taught to our founders and screening them for the criminal element. Part of that screen is to take a mandatory DNA test, fingerprints, pictures, and whatever else is necessary to aid law enforcement to convict them should they commit a crime. If they choose to get a work visa instead the same criteria should be applied as except for their choice to stay or not is their status is still the same.

The Mexican Consulate is obviously trying to keep the loyalty of their people whom have entered the United States. The also wish to alienate them from the United States. This situation they are stirring up is a hostile though non-violent attack on the United States. We are weakened by the legalized abortion forced upon us by liberal Supreme Court rulings. This has led to our population aging with fewer young adults to replace those that retire. This atrocity has created a demand for low cost labor to replace the children killed by abortion. Mexico and other poor countries have used this weakness as an excuse to colonize the United States and they have attempted to keep the immigrants loyalty while alienating them from American culture. We need to fight back not only against the Mexicans but also against the traitors in our own midst like the ACLU.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Supreme Court Established Atheism As The State Religion

After 171 years of Christianity being the established religion of the United States the Supreme Court decided to overturn the Constitution. In 1947 they did just that by established Atheism as the religion of the United States in the case Everson v. Board of Education. They did it when speaking of the limit’s the non-establishment clause put on state and federal governments with the following words.

Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another.

Since the governments of the United State could not pass laws that aided all religions it follows that they must support no religion which was the legal definition of atheism. The Christian ideal did not die out with this arbitrary ruling of a corrupt court and has been fighting a loosing battle as groups like the ACLU and American Atheist has sued governments for every display of religion even limiting the religious actions of students.

The Constitution states now and did then that Jesus is Lord of the United States because he was the Lord of the writers of the Constitution and of all they did. The Supreme Court acknowledged this fact for 171 years until liberal activist took over. Seven of the Justices were appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt. They were Hugo Black, Stanley Forman Reed, Felix Frankfurter, William O. Douglas, Robert H. Jackson, and Willey Blount Rutledge. The other two Harold Hitz Burton and Fred M. Vinson were appointed by Harry S. Truman. Both Roosevelt and Truman were Democrats leaving a court made up of 9 liberals.

Here is an article by Zine Chen Samson that tells that the religious oppression in the United States is so extreme now that people of faith of either the black or white race are fleeing the public school system in order to instill Judea-Christian values in them. The poor regretfully have not the means to flee and so their children are stuck in a government program designed to make them Atheist.

You can correct this by pressuring your Senators to do what they took an oath to do and start impeachment proceedings against the judicial offices who are the enemies of the Constitution because they refuse to honor Christianity as the general religion of the United States. Christianity was declared the general religion of the United States with the words “in the year of our Lord“.