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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Attack On Our Religious Freedom

The San Francisco Chronicle article titled "China tries to keep the flock in official churches Government favors party-run version of Christian faiths" by Jehangir S. Pocha of the Chronicle Foreign Service reports:

“To retain control over religion -- particularly faiths with foreign connections, such as Islam and Christianity -- the government bars its people from following the established heads of these religions. And in officially atheist China, the printing of Bibles and all other religious publications needs approval from the State Bureau of Religious Affairs.

The party has created its own "Catholic" and "Protestant" churches, called the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association and the Three-Selves Patriotic Movement, respectively. Both appoint their own clergy and are supposed to maintain complete religious and financial independence from the Vatican and foreign Protestant churches.

"That is really a preposterous idea," said Wu Guo Yin, a laundry owner originally from central Henan province in Cai's Protestant congregation. The official church "is headed by a Communist who doesn't believe in God, yet he feels he can stand at the door between us and our God."

The Washington Times article "Navy rule on prayer ignites a debate" by Eric Pfeiffer states:

“A new Navy policy that encourages chaplains to use only "nonsectarian" language outside of divine services has prompted criticism that regulating prayer services violates the chaplains' First Amendment rights. Under new rules signed by Secretary of the Navy Donald C. Winter, chaplains of all faiths in the Navy are asked to consider the views of their audience before invoking specific religious beliefs in prayer.”

Like China the United Nation has its own established religion called the Unitarian Universalist. I wonder why the U.S. Navy is striving to force part of the doctrine of the UU on it’s chaplains? The federal courts are well known for doing the same thing. Isn’t this tenant of the UU interesting considering that in 1973 the American Psychological Association removed homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychological Disorders.

The Unitarian Universalism website declares:

The Office is guided by the vision that someday we will be able to put ourselves out of business and that oppression against bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender people, whether it be overt or subtle, will be a thing of the past.

Unitarian Universalism has been on record as supporting the rights of bisexual, gay, and lesbian people since 1970. The Office was formed in 1973. We have advocated against sodomy laws and job and housing discrimination. We have advocated for ceremonies of union and same-gender marriage, the right to serve in the military, the right to lead congregations as ministers and religious professionals, and the right to be parents. We are now on record as supporting the rights of transgender people. The number of Welcoming Congregations is growing, having nearly doubled in the last 18 months. There is still much homophobia and heterosexism. The work and the story are still in progress. Each of us has the “

The UN was established on October 24,1945 and in 1947 Everson v. Board of Education was decided by nine justices, who were all appointed by the Democratic party, and thus established the Secular religion as the official religion of all governments of the United States. In November 25, 1981 the U.N. declared war on those religions that disagreed with them though they sugar coated the declaration. Should I mention that FDR who is obviously a socialist and his VP are the ones who appointed all nine Justices and established the U.N. charter. We will ignore the fact that socialist are allied with both anarchist and communist. Now we come full circle to China who is a communist nation.

Other related sites you can check out are Milestones In United Nations History, Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office, Unitarian Universalist Association.