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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The People Of The United States Have The Right To Feel Secure In The U.S.

This is my letter to the author of “The hidden threat America faces that not even securing our borders can solve” that is located on the RenewAmerica home page.

Dear Jonathan David Morris,

In the United States we have this document called the U.S. Constitution that is referred to as the high law of the land. This document insist that we the people of the United States collectively own the government and the territory that belongs to the government. In the Fourth Amendment is has the audacity to state that We the People have the right to feel secure in our effects. We the people therefore have the right to invite into our territory any one that we like and exclude anyone that we like. If a person comes into our home uninvited we have the right to have them arrested for trespassing or burglary. If we want to put up a privacy fence to keep trespassers out we also have that right. A privacy fence does not put me in prison no more that a locked door does. They both serve the purpose of making me feel secure in my own territory.
Just in case you did not realize it I have an imaginary line around the land I own. It is called a property line.
It sounds like you want be to get rid of that line. Such an attack on my privacy right, that I have either as myself or part of the collective know as we the people, is intolerable and smells like communism. So be careful who you are serving.


Kerwin Brown

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Of Border Fences And Spies

I am hoping that someone will pass on the information that the United Nations is once again interfering with internal American politics.

As proof I will offer the information that International law forbids building a wall on the border according to a July 9,2004 14-1 decision of The International Court of Justice.

The case involves Israel but can easily be applied to the United States. In the case the court commanded that Israel tear down their wall and alter their legislation. So much for the United Nations support of democracy. It sounds like they support the socialist doctrine that the people are absolutely free to do what we tell them.

My source is here.

Then there is the country of Saudi Arabia whom has decided to fence off the chaos of Iraq by building a wall over their 560 border that country. The Saudi Arabia plan is to secure all of their 3600 mile border to improve internal security and bolster it’s defense against external threats. A European diplomat in Riyadh states that the fence is a white elephant since the insurgents will get around it by using Syria.

My source is here.

George Soros who is a naturalized citizen whom was born in Hungary and wants a European style democracy in the United States is also known to favor open borders. He favors them so much that his institute the Open Society Institute gives grants to the ACLU, Mexican American Education And Legal Defense Fund, and the National Council of La Raza, To make you feel more secure the OSI also gives grants to the Democratic Party and the American Bar Association. George Soros is a known political activist whom I consider a political and cultural spy from the EU. I also believe he became a naturalized citizen so that he could legally interfere in the politics of the United States.

The Grantmakers list of organizing that OSI gives to is located here.

What this has do with the Constitution is that the Constitution and not international law is the high law of the land. The Constitution clearly states that we have the right to feel secure in our own land. The United Nation is telling us that we do not have a right to build a privacy/security fence on our own land and thus violated the right to property of the people of the United States.