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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Using Roe V Wade To Overturn Roe V Wade Part II.

Argument 2 is designed to explain why unborn children are treated unequally under the law, It shows how unborn children are slaves of their mothers by nature but still have the right to life.

1856 Dred Scott v. Sanfort Declaration of Independence is interpretive document of the U.S. Constitution. Slaves not extended the same rights as citizens. States are allowed to give slaves unequal protection under the law as slaves are not citizens of the United States. Slaves are denied due process of law. Acknowledges that slaves are persons.

The U.S. Constitution assumes that the Declaration of Independence is legally binding by stating that The Constitution’s completion is in the twelfth year of the Independence of the United States.

The Declaration of Independence acknowledges natural laws theory and social contract as legal fact with the words we hold these truth self evident. It also acknowledges it is the government’s duty to insure the natural rights of the people

The Ninth Amendment of the Constitution acknowledges rights of the people that exist outside of the Constitution.

1965 Griswold v Connecticut states that James Madison introduced the Ninth Amendment. Justices WHITE and GOLDBERG in there concurring opinion used natural law to reach their decision.

1947 Everson v. Board of Education uses a letter from Thomas Jefferson to resolve a First Amendment issue.

The March 4 1825 Minutes From the Board of Visitors at The University of Virginia from the Thomas Jefferson papers states that the general principles of man in nature and in society can be found in the doctrine of John Locke in his “Second Treatise on Civil Government” and of Algernon Sidney in his “Discourses Concerning Government”. It also states that these principles of government can be found in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

John Locke’s Treatise state we are born free and rational in section 61 of chapter VI. We know from chapter V that humans are born to the right of preservation and chapter II Section 4 that that are born to the same advantages as other human beings. Before birth it is clear that a child is dependent on his/her mother for his/her preservation and lacks the right to liberty and is thus a slave to his/her mother. In chapter II Section 6 it is clear that a mother does not have the right to kill the child that is her slave as long as he/she is alive except for noble cause

Algernon Sidney’s Discourse states in section 3 that that human’s are born with personality; in that they are wise, foolish, good, bad, or cowardly. In section 5 he states that human beings are born under the English law. In section 9 when writing of those who are born into perpetual slavery he states they are subject to the will of their master no matter how cruel, proud, wicked, they may be.

U.S. Constitution Amendment XIII outlaws slavery in the United States except for convicts and those not in the jurisdiction of the United States. U.S. has no jurisdiction to change the laws of nature or nature’s God so unborn children remain slaves.

U.S. Constitution Amendment XIV declares unborn children are not citizens. Grants equal protection under the law and due process of law to all persons even if they are slaves or non-citizens

Friday, April 28, 2006

Why Libertarianism Is A Violation Of Our Human Rights

This is my response to commentary by Liza Fabrizio titled “Encroachment of the nanny state.” The article is good though I criticize the libertarian the author embraces. Check it out. The cite from her article I am responding to is as follows.

Here in a state where business owners and consumers are deemed too stupid to make their own decisions about smoking, while others are thought too slothful to develop their private property into proper tax-revenue generating real estate, parents are now on notice that they do not have the right to decide how to conduct child-rearing in their own homes.

It has been said by different people that laws are made for the lawbreakers not those who by their very nature do not break the law. So there are business owners and consumers too foolish to make wise decisions and the rest of us pay for their foolishness. there are property owners who misuse their property and the rest of us pay for that. There are parents to uncaring to teach good character to their children and the rest of us pay for that. And yes the government does have a right and an obligation to protect all it’s people even from themselves. The question becomes is the government protecting it’s people or is it using it’s people.

The government exist to serve the people and not the other way around. Nature and Nature’s God endow us with certain rights. One of those right is that we get to posses the work of our hand’s. The government is to protect that right. Seizing you land or possessions in order to make money for the government is simple tyranny as it violates the natural right of the people and does not protect them. Parent’s have absolute authority over their children’s welfare except that they are nor allowed to harm their own children. They are given this authority because they expected to keep their children safe. Because their job is to protect parental rights they have make sure that their legislation is actually more beneficial to the children than it is damaging to parental rights.

Our government is a group composed of “We The People”. It is not a third artificial person. It is us and it’s sins are our sins. It’s actions are our actions. If the government ignores us it is because we allow the government to ignore us. A Christian is commanded to love others as they love themselves. That command was certainly not a command to be self destructive. If we are to overcome self destructive behavior in ourselves then why should we tolerate it in others. The opposite side of the coin is that most people do not know Christ and so are slaves to sin. The best the law can do is to make them Pharisees. The benefit is that is protects the rights of others. The problem is their soul is more important. There is where the government can not go. If the government embraces any particular doctrine then it will most likely be a heresy and it will oppress other heresies as well as the true doctrine. Churches need to preach the gospel without interference from the government. The government interferes even though it claims otherwise. I mean is saying Jesus really oppressive. What about a teacher that talk about her Wicca beliefs with her students? I do not believe either are that harmful as this is real life and both we and our children will be exposed to ideals that are evil as well as good. I believe Jesus said it best when he said be as innocent as a dove but as wise as a serpent.

We the People of the United States allow the government to be oppressive and sometimes we help it.