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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Using Roe V Wade To Overturn Roe V Wade Part II.

Argument 2 is designed to explain why unborn children are treated unequally under the law, It shows how unborn children are slaves of their mothers by nature but still have the right to life.

1856 Dred Scott v. Sanfort Declaration of Independence is interpretive document of the U.S. Constitution. Slaves not extended the same rights as citizens. States are allowed to give slaves unequal protection under the law as slaves are not citizens of the United States. Slaves are denied due process of law. Acknowledges that slaves are persons.

The U.S. Constitution assumes that the Declaration of Independence is legally binding by stating that The Constitution’s completion is in the twelfth year of the Independence of the United States.

The Declaration of Independence acknowledges natural laws theory and social contract as legal fact with the words we hold these truth self evident. It also acknowledges it is the government’s duty to insure the natural rights of the people

The Ninth Amendment of the Constitution acknowledges rights of the people that exist outside of the Constitution.

1965 Griswold v Connecticut states that James Madison introduced the Ninth Amendment. Justices WHITE and GOLDBERG in there concurring opinion used natural law to reach their decision.

1947 Everson v. Board of Education uses a letter from Thomas Jefferson to resolve a First Amendment issue.

The March 4 1825 Minutes From the Board of Visitors at The University of Virginia from the Thomas Jefferson papers states that the general principles of man in nature and in society can be found in the doctrine of John Locke in his “Second Treatise on Civil Government” and of Algernon Sidney in his “Discourses Concerning Government”. It also states that these principles of government can be found in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

John Locke’s Treatise state we are born free and rational in section 61 of chapter VI. We know from chapter V that humans are born to the right of preservation and chapter II Section 4 that that are born to the same advantages as other human beings. Before birth it is clear that a child is dependent on his/her mother for his/her preservation and lacks the right to liberty and is thus a slave to his/her mother. In chapter II Section 6 it is clear that a mother does not have the right to kill the child that is her slave as long as he/she is alive except for noble cause

Algernon Sidney’s Discourse states in section 3 that that human’s are born with personality; in that they are wise, foolish, good, bad, or cowardly. In section 5 he states that human beings are born under the English law. In section 9 when writing of those who are born into perpetual slavery he states they are subject to the will of their master no matter how cruel, proud, wicked, they may be.

U.S. Constitution Amendment XIII outlaws slavery in the United States except for convicts and those not in the jurisdiction of the United States. U.S. has no jurisdiction to change the laws of nature or nature’s God so unborn children remain slaves.

U.S. Constitution Amendment XIV declares unborn children are not citizens. Grants equal protection under the law and due process of law to all persons even if they are slaves or non-citizens


Blogger Juggling Mother said...

If one can not live without the other they are not a slave. Until it is able to live independantly, it is a part of the mothers body & she has the right to do as she will with her own body.

Actually if one thing's life is coditional upon another, but the other's life is just fine either way, that is usually called a parasite. But lets not go there.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Kerwin said...

Thank you for your comment. It gives me an opportunity to hear another point of view.

At the least in most countries the law requires you to feed, water, and shelter your dog. Not doing that is considered animal cruelty. If you don’t do it with your child after they are born it is considered child negligence. I assume the same would be true of slaves even when they are located within their mother’s womb. After all why should anyone have the right to deprive a living creature, that depends on them and that is also a human being, of their air, water, food, shelter, and even their very life.

A child within their mother’s womb would be considered a symbiant since they provide their mother with a person to carry on her genetics.

Biologist say a child is an independent organism that is also a live human being from the point of conception. That is not in dispute.

The rule of liberty is that you have an absolute right to liberty to do as you will as long as you do not bring harm to yourself or any other living creature except for a noble cause. What is a noble cause for killing your own child?

3:26 PM  
Blogger Juggling Mother said...

"Biologist say a child is an independent organism that is also a live human being from the point of conception. That is not in dispute.

Which biologists? It most certainly is in dispute.

If you didn't feed or water your dog, they would most likely leave & go searching for their own food & water (or at least someone else to look after them) - hence the feral dog problem in places like australia. A foetus doesn't have that option.

6:56 AM  
Blogger Kerwin said...

The human live cycle includes several stages one of these stages is the gamete stage that are considered as part of the parent organism. Once the male and female gametes merge they become a zygote which is the first single cell stage of the multi celled organism known as the human being. This one cell grows and develops through cell division until it becomes an adult organism which then sheds it’s own gametes. That is the circle of human life and is well known by biologist. Special interest groups in order to advance their own agenda merely seek to redefine the definition of human life to fit what ever criteria for it they desire. Nazi Germany did this with Jews and the population control movement is presently doing it with children still in their mother’s womb. The question is how important is another human’s life to you. That is for you to answer.

How many babies do you know to forage for themselves. I have heard of some who cast their child to the elements and it generally means the baby perishes.

I do not see any reason why women should be free of being women or men should be free of being men. That is what it sounds like you are supporting.

9:57 PM  

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