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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Indict And Convict Activist Judges Of Bad Behavior

Here is an article about an Indiana federal court where Judge David Hamilton displayed bad character in ruling the United States Constitution is unconstitutional. He did just that when he ruled that mentioning Jesus or the equivalent in prayer in the House of Representatives of the Indiana General Assembly violated the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution is the high law of the land and states the following.

Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of OUR LORD one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth.

Because of his activism in court judge David Hamilton has displayed bad behavior. His time of service is thus at an end First write your Senators to impeach him for his action against the Constitution of the United States. Do this even if you think they will not do so. In addition we can urge the governor of Indiana to have charges pressed against him. He can do this because

. State representatives and judges have the right to act according to the Constitution as they take an oath to do so.
. The Constitution does not grant judges any immunity against prosecution for a judge violating the Constitution in his/her judgments, but it does allow them to be impeached.
. The Constitution requires judges to take an oath to support the Constitution.
. Violating an oath is perjury which is a felony and thus considered bad behavior.
. A federal judges service ends when they display bad behavior,
. Since The Constitution is the high law of the land, it is the high law of each state and so the state has the jurisdiction to prosecute according to it.

The President of the United States can act in a like manner. So send your comments to him also. If you do nothing then you are collaborating with the domestic and foreign enemies of the Constitution. If your representatives do nothing then vote them out and try to get someone who cares about the United States in office.


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