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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Threat Of The U.N. And Their Religious Establishments

The Tulsa Presbyterian Church stood up for their believes in scripture by voting 967-to-36 to affirm their elders vote to leave the Presbyterian Church U-S-A. This cultural conservative vote affirms the First Amendments non establishment clause as the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. is a non government organization(NGO) connected in partnership that agrees to carry out the principles of the United Nations.

To be correct the Catholic church is also nation as well as a religion and can be as much of a threat to the liberty of the United States as the United Nations is.

The question is how much power does the Catholic church or the United Nations have over the United States. I am afraid they have too much power that previous presidents and Senators have allowed them to have. They have done this by signing treaties that they then treat as higher laws than even the U.S. Constitution. The United Nations has also compromised our judicial branch at the federal level by forming a NGO partnership with the American Bar Association.

Cultural liberalism which is supported by the United Nation is a version of anarchy that allows individuals to commit so called victimless crimes that are not as victimless as they are portrayed. These crimes such prostitution, homosexuality, abortion, adultery, etc harm families and contribute to the spread of STD’s and other illnesses. Abortion is just a form of legalized murder. I suspect that the U.N. is planning to destabilize the U.S. in order to send in a force of Peacekeepers to occupy it. They have been known to put puppet governments in place. I also suspicion that the Democratic party is their tool since they seem to be favor the same principles. The Republican party is not immune but they seem to have plans that are in opposition to the U.N. at least some of the time.

Source 1 of information of the Presbyterian Church break.

Source 2 The distabilization of Somalia, the establishment transitional government and international troops.


Blogger Kerwin said...

I am reposting this comment because of my desire to censor out foul language.

Leagal schollar has left a new comment on your post "The Threat Of The U.N. And Their Religious Establishments":

"These crimes such prostitution, homosexuality, abortion, adultery, etc harm families and contribute to the spread of STD’s and other illnesses"

I have no idea what cuntry you live in but here in the United States gay homosexuality, abortion & adultery are NOT crimes!! Furthurmore you're asertion that these "contribute to the spread of STD’s and other illnesses" is unsupports emotion driven speculating, if not out right ********!!!

3:03 AM  
Blogger Kerwin said...

If you have read the U.S. Declaration of Independence then you would know that any action that violates the Law of Nature and Nature's God is a crime whether or not the government holds it as such as governments are judged by natural law.

Homosexuality, abortion, adultery, all violate the natural rights of human beings and are therefore crimes.

50% of the individuals with HIV/Aids are homosexuals despite the fact they make up less then 5% of the population. The reason is because HIV is easier to transfer through sodomy.

There is a program to avoid HIV called Abstinence, Be faithful, and use a Condom.

It is believed to be successful because even if one member of a couple has an STD the furthest it will spread is to the other if the couple is faithful is to one another.

Condoms can be effective but they have a 15% failure rate under normal use. That means you have 1/ 5.67 of the chance of caching the same STD you would catch without a condom.

Abortion is just a form of murder as you are intentionally and deliberately taking the life of another human being.

3:21 AM  

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