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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Friday, August 18, 2006

A Campaign Against The Tyranny Of Drunk Driving

Alcoholism is a crime in itself as it infringes on a person’s use of reason and self control but we have chosen tolerate and so not to prosecute it as is our entitlement under the idea of a free nation. On the other hand drunk driving which causes a multitude of deaths and injuries each year is another matter. Last year 16,885 human beings were killed in alcohol related incidents and many were not drinkers. For example drunk drivers are one of the leading causes of death among on duty officers.

In the interest of curbing drunk driving a advertising campaign has gone out aimed at both male English and Spanish speakers in the 21-34 age bracket who are more likely to commit this crime. The is of course profiling which seems to be allowed in this case and when companies are marketing goods but not in other cases. The ads will air at a period of heightened enforcement. The idea of anyone being arrested as soon as they are caught drinking and driving sounds good but if that it all they do I am not sure that it will do any good. First expecting a drunk to display reason or self control seems to be an oxymoron. Second is that people may be more careful when they know of periods of heightened enforcement and then get more careless when there are not. From everything I have heard alcoholics have to want to give up alcohol before they can. They need to suffer negative repercussions in order that to give them the desire to admit they give in to their evil desires and then to actually feel a need to fight them.

I know alcoholism is called a disease but the truth is alcoholics can and do control their actions though the desire to harm themselves for the euphoria that accompanies drinking is always there. From everything I know self destructive behavior is that same way whether is homosexuality, adultery, compulsive gambling, compulsive gaming, or anything else. People still resist it and have resisted it throughout history long before psychiatry declared it an illness. Alcoholics have the power to resist their “disease” and should be held fully accountable when they do not do so. I am tired of 16,885 people being deprived of their right to life in what we claim is a free society. This campaign is an attempt to address that tyranny.

Source: Article on Campaign against Drunk Driving


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Alcoholism is a crime in itself"

Is it really? So if some son of a bitch wants to hole up in his house and stay plastered 24/7 and doesn't bother a damned soul, and has the monetary resources to do so, he's a criminal? On what basis?And you call this pit "Expressions of LIBERTY"? Do explain!

11:19 AM  
Blogger Kerwin said...

According to the U.S. Declaration of Independence every human being is given natural rights and to violate those rights is a crime. Among our natural human rights is the rights to health and life which are both violated by alcoholism. That makes alcoholism a form of tyranny that we as Americans choose to suffer this tyranny instead of acting against it as is our entitlement.

3:45 PM  

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