Congress Makes A Move To Protect United States Gambling Interests
Congress made a smart move to protect American gambling interests against the threat provided by free trade gambling interests. This of course hurt the UK and other internet gambling interests but more than likely helped the domestic interests. Since our government gets money from local gambling I am not surprised that Congress stepped up to the plate on this one and did not give into free market capitalist.
Some claim gambling is a tax on the poor and that is probably true but unless you spend the money of the poor for them you can probably not change the fact that some of them spend what little resources they have foolishly. They could spend their money on cigarettes and alcohol but I would rather they spend it on gambling which is probably healthier for them and may if they are blessed give them a return.
Some claim gambling causes addiction and I have no doubt of that but so does shopping. If addicts can be spotted and treated or otherwise dissuaded at a reasonable price then it should be done.
Some hold gambling is a debaucherous practice and that may in fact be the case. Thomas Jefferson argued against that viewpoint by pointing out it is not really different than investing your money in a business. I am not sure I agree with him since there is a more instant gratification to gambling.
The money made through gambling aside there is damage to our society caused by the addicts. I do not know if this is significantly greater than would have been caused in other ways by the same people. I tend to believe it would not be. I do know it is up to the people of each jurisdiction whether they want to tolerate this violation of natural law or not and if they don’t to what degree they wish to address it.
Source 1 Complaints about American protectionism.
Source 2 The effects of gambling on our society.
Some claim gambling is a tax on the poor and that is probably true but unless you spend the money of the poor for them you can probably not change the fact that some of them spend what little resources they have foolishly. They could spend their money on cigarettes and alcohol but I would rather they spend it on gambling which is probably healthier for them and may if they are blessed give them a return.
Some claim gambling causes addiction and I have no doubt of that but so does shopping. If addicts can be spotted and treated or otherwise dissuaded at a reasonable price then it should be done.
Some hold gambling is a debaucherous practice and that may in fact be the case. Thomas Jefferson argued against that viewpoint by pointing out it is not really different than investing your money in a business. I am not sure I agree with him since there is a more instant gratification to gambling.
The money made through gambling aside there is damage to our society caused by the addicts. I do not know if this is significantly greater than would have been caused in other ways by the same people. I tend to believe it would not be. I do know it is up to the people of each jurisdiction whether they want to tolerate this violation of natural law or not and if they don’t to what degree they wish to address it.
Source 1 Complaints about American protectionism.
Source 2 The effects of gambling on our society.
yeah, this should probably be left up to the states. Its a tough issue though.
There is hope! It appears that outlawing online gambling violates the US agreements with the WTO. We better get a Democrat in office soon.
You can sign the petition on my site
I am not sure you understand me. I believe Congress acted appropriately and within their constitutional jurisdiction as they have the power to legislate on matters of interstate and international commerce. I also believe their motivation was more to protect their and their gambling constituents' financial security than it was to aid the general populace even though it most likely did benefit the general welfare. In this case action and not motive is what was important. On the other hand states should regulate the gambling that is in their own jurisdiction as it is internal commerce and not commerce between states or nations.
I do question states encouraging gambling and financing it, if it is as destructive to society as the news article I cited states as their duty is to secure the natural rights and general welfare and not work against it. They are free to tax it without violating that duty.
Thank you for the update.
I am opposed to WTO interference because the federal government does not have the legal power to be part of such an organization as they can not give their power to legislate, enforce, or judge away. The duty of congress it to be the voice of the people as long as that voice does not contradict the U.S. Constitution. The exception is if they work to pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The WTO is also undemocratic as my vote counts for nothing within it. You might make an argument for a negligent value but that does not change how powerless I am to effect it. I have enough problem the lack of power of the individual at the state or federal level where a least they have a miniscule level of influence.
The Democrat party is pro United Nations and the United Nations detest and may outright hate the WTO so they may not be your best bet there.
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