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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Friday, June 09, 2006

A Plan To Restore True Liberty To The United States

A proposal for an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that forbids homosexual marriages has once more failed in the Senate and few Democrats supported it. If that does not convince you that the Democrat party we have today is a party of extremist then I doubt you have an open mind. The Republican will be the one to split on the issue. The RINO’s will side with the Democrats against the cultural traditionalist of both globalist and non globalist mindsets. It is expected to be defeated. Activist courts will then force their will on the people of the United States and politicians like Bush will lie and call us a free nation.

The only real elections in the United States are the primaries. If the conservatives want to win then they need to start voting in primaries. The Republican primaries are where the battlefield is so it is the party the conservatives should concentrate on.

Getting a legitimate third party is important but I find problems with all the third parties I know of. What we need it a party that is social conservatives but also appeals the Democrat voters. This will weaken the Democrat party while giving social conservatives an out if the Republicans choose to elect a RINO or even a globalist. In this way the third party will become a tool to advance the social conservative agenda.

Of our federal representatives our House member is the one we have the most influence with because of the size of his/her constituency and the fact that they are accountable every two years. Unfortunately they are also the weakest politically. Senators who are magnitudes more powerful are more independent for their larger constituency since they are accountable every six years. Our individual influence with the President is the weakest because of his humongous constituency and he is only accountable to us one time after serving his first four years.

We need to organize because our enemies are well organized. The extremists are dominated by unions who can get their membership fired up and voting. I believe the Blue states have the highest presence of unions. The globalist are dominated by business interests who have been influencing politics for many years. I know the Chamber of Commerce is one way they are organized. The social conservatives are a disorganized and unruly mass. The strongest organizations they have are the Catholic Church and several Evangelical organizations. The Catholic Church is weakened by those who call themselves Catholics but continue to behave like non Catholics. If my statistics on abortions are an indication the Evangelicals are more loyal to their ideals but face a rebellion of members who say they follow Jesus but continue to do the things of the world. If the churches clean house and seek political alliances with like minded social conservatism organizations then we have a chance.

Don’t be deceived if the religious organizations start cleaning house they will face the press who will seek to defame them. Politicians will be against them complaining about separation of church and state since one of the first things churches will do is to expel politicians that are giving the organization a bad name by flaunting their disobedience of morality. This will happen because when you do what God asks you to do you are persecuted. If churches do this then they will show that they believe what they teach. We can not expect the government to do what the churches themselves are reluctant to do. If the churches and like minded institutes do not do this then social conservatives have lost the fight because their enemies will not be ethical.

We need to start competition for the enemy dominated organization like the media, Holywood, and the field of education. If the churches take the beam out of their own eye then the field of education will become more balanced and they can begin taking the beam out of the eyes of others. That in itself can provide trained social conservatism that can start organizations that can compete with Holywood and media and get the truth out to the general public.

An isolated individual is a weak individual so if you can get a conservative group started using members of the church you attend then you can work toward accomplishing these goals. Once there aim low and attempt to get your clean on the straight and narrow. If you can not form a group then your church is in rebellion against God and you should seriously consider finding another one that takes seriously their oath to make Jesus Lord of their life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How would the existence of a same-sex marriage affect your marriage (assuming you are married)?

Does same-sex marriage weaken everyone's marriage more than say: Britney Spears' 24-hour marriage or the marriage of Anna Nicole Smith with 90 year old billionaire J. Howard Marshall II or the legal marriage of 1st cousins in 24 states, or marriage of infertile people, or a host of other opposite sex marriage arrangements.

I understand that you have a strong dislike of homosexuals. If your argument is purely a religious one than push to get the government out of the marriage business. Let marriages be restricted to being authorized by churches or other non-governmental organizations. You could recognize only those marriages that your organizational affiliations wish to recognize.

Everyone is entitled to an informed opinion.

- Donald

1:59 PM  
Blogger Kerwin said...

My primary argument against the practice of homosexuality is that it cause death and sickness in those who indulge in it. It is well known to spread HIV/Aids with 50% of the cases being homosexuals despite evidence that shows they make up less that 5% of the population. In a similar case the government mandates we get vaccines to protect our health and lives.

Knowing this I would say that anyone who supports homosexual marriage is either ignorant or hates those who indulge in homosexuality and wants them to sicken and die. I on the other hand hope and pray that they will give up their self destructive lifestyle.

I am convinced that the institute of marriage is in serious trouble in the United States which has lead to serious consequences for the family. I am not sure homosexual marriage will do any more damage to the family than has already occurred without it. Much of this can be laid at the door of the churches which have failed in their duty to teach their adherents to love themselves and their neighbor.

Homosexual marriage was my linchpin but the same is true with cohabitation and no fault divorce as well as many, many other practices that are harming our society.

5:29 PM  
Blogger highboy said...

I also get sick of people twisting an opposition to homosexual marriage into a prejudice against homosexuals themselves. It is a spin tactic, and it gets old. Marriage is not a right. Its a privelage, much like driving, and BOTH require a license.

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Months after President Bush was elected the first time; he was asked if he planned to try to overturn Roe/Wade. He replied, " The country is not ready for stopping abortions. The votes aren't there, the country will have to move to that decision. So, no, I don't intend to do that."

Back in 2000 about 70% of the people approved of the right to an abortion, to one extent or another, but not late term abortions.

In reverse, about 75% of Americans disapprove of same sex marriage. Yet the Congress could not even get a 50% vote. It never would have passed the 2/3rds need to send the amendment around the country. Much less pass through the number of States needed.

The instution of marriage is in trouble because of the high rate of divorce. The answer, I believe, is for couples to be come closer to the church, and God. The government can't do much to solve that problem. I also believe that marriage should be left to the church, not the government.

The public seems to know that although they do not want same sex marriage; they don't believe that it is, or would be the downfall of the institution of marriage. And they are even less willing to tamper with the Constitution of the United States.

As for homosexual activity, I think it's better to point out the dangers of sex rather than the hellfire and brimstone preaching that young people seem to reject out of hand, and then hear no message at all.

The public and the courts are simply not ready to move on these issues, not that you should give up, but that a grass roots, long term effort is the logical course.

I could be wrong, but I do know a majority of teens reject being preached at, and that's the group that we need to convince.

1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marriage is not a priviledge, nor a right. Marriage is a societal evolutionary product of a billion or more years of evolution.
People get married every day and every hour. It is NOT a requirement to have children, nor is it exclusively FOR having children.
It was never intended to be linked to heterosexual pairs (as it is not in the wild with wild animals that do not have a society nor political links).
Kerwin, you are wrong. Try to TWIST it all you want to justify a different agenda, but you will fail each time.
Homosexual marriage was around a long time before the genetic accident mutated the RNA that caused the transmissal of AIDS. Trying to restrict it because of that fact is just a convenient "tail wagging the dog" on your part.
Besides, name any organized group that has a non-religious charter or is non-denominational that is against homosexual unions. All of this hub-bub against homosexuality is due to guilt caused by certain religions or restrictive dogma created by certain religions in an effort to exercise control over the masses. Usually the cause is an absent paternal figure or a weak alcoholic, but present one.
Which is your cause?

3:10 PM  
Blogger Kerwin said...


I would fall into the definition you used for the right to get an abortion as I believe allowing a mother to choose when her life is in danger. My justification is that since biologist admit that human life begins a conception then we should treat human life as if it begins at conception and apply the law equally to all. Self defense is a legitimate reason to commit homicide,

My objection against homosexual marriage is that sodomy is proved to be a self destructive behavior and no free society should support self destructive behavior. In reality a civilized society should seek to discourage self destructive behavior but the United States abandoned civilization before I was conceived.

The federal House of Representatives is more representative of the will of the people. I am not even sure the Senate or the President is representative of the People of The United States. They are heavily influenced by a globalist worldview and that does not bode well for the United States as an independent nation.

I agree that the people would do well to come closer to God but that is not going to happen until churches begin to hold them accountable. In Mathew 5:20 Jesus tells his followers unless they are more righteous than the Pharisees they will not enter the kingdom of heaven. The Pharisees were righteous on the outside yet many who claim to follow Jesus wallow in their sins and say “I am saved”. Either Jesus is lying or those who wallow in their sins believe falsely. Shouldn’t the church hold them accountable. 1 Corinthians 5 deals with this very subject and tells the church to expel members that are sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. The Spirit of God speaking through Paul tells you to not even eat with members that wallow in these sins.

In dealing with minors I find that holding them accountable and telling them to do right and not evil works. Minors are intelligent but they are also foolish and adults can and should provide a blueprint for them to go by. In order to do this it is best if the adult also goes by the same blueprint.

Churches have an obligation to teach the truth and hold their members to that truth. They should not abandon God by allowing members to believe they can wallow in their sins and still be saved because Jesus said otherwise.

The minors that have the most challenge are those whose parents behave immorally or/and who do not hold them accountable. The next worse are those who are too harsh. Moderation in all things is very appropriate when it comes with teaching and discipline.

4:21 AM  
Blogger Kerwin said...

Anonymous (It helps to have a name or pseudonym to address you by),

Marriage is a social contract between a man and a woman. Like any other contract there are terms to marriage. The purpose of marriage is to provide stability for the couple and for their children. In entering the marriage contract both husband and wife make a vow that they should be counted on to uphold. It is a sign of deterioration in our society that a person vows are so easily broken.

It is possible homosexual marriages will also benefit by the stability of marriage. That is an idea advanced by the American Psychologist Association. The problem is that homosexuality is known to be self destructive behavior. One way is that sodomy makes you more susceptible to diseases and causes some rectal injuries. It also is known to be linked to a number of other self destructive behaviors. There is a hypothesis that if society begins to accept homosexual behaviors then these psychological behaviors will change. I have doubts since it sounds like a large number of those who choose homosexuality may well be choosing it because they have self destructive personalities. I am against homosexual marriage because no healthy government should support self destructive behavior. In reality governments should war against self destructive behavior as they have the duty to ensure the natural right to life and health of their people.

Animals go to war and show bigotry. I have heard or cannibalism and other atrocities committed by animals so the idea that we should do something because animals do it is not acceptable. I am a human being and I fight myself every day not to let my animal nature control my actions.

Calling on me to name a organized group that is not religion is stating that I should support it because atheist do. I have heard of individual atheist who are against homosexual marriage. I do not follow what religious or not religious people do because I do what I believe is right. I gave my reasons why I am against homosexual marriage and I did not mention a religious one. If you were a religious person then I might have mentioned reasons from your holy book as well.

4:55 AM  

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