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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

All People Have The Right To Make Their Own Laws

Here is the story of a man who killed his 4 daughter because he believed one was guilty of adultery and so dishonored the family name. Rights groups said such honor killing will stop when the government gets serious about prosecuting them. Which shows that the rights groups are more concerned about pushing their ideal of right upon a people that they are with the democratic process?

What is needed is a law that makes adultery a crime and a sentence that is satisfactory to the average citizen of Pakistan or a region thereof. The people of Pakistan can be won over to use the courts to determine guilt and to exact the just penalty for what they believe is evil instead of taking it into their own hands. If the people of Pakistan approved I would then establish a law than punished those whom took the law into their own hands.

Those "outdated Islamized laws" are the laws of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan are the only ones with the right to change them despite what these activist say. It is their religion and they have the right to practice it how they see fit. Until liberal westerners show respect for that fact it is the westerners that are the oppressors. Such actions would explain why the attacks of 9/11 happened. Reform can happen but Islam and not secular atheism should be the base of that reform.

Contrary to the teaching of atheist, devout religions do adapt to what they perceive is a better path to serve their God. This sad event reflects on us here in the United States in that we have to stand up for other countries right to rule themselves even if we find that rule lacking. It also means that we in the United States have the right to rule according to what we deem ethical.

This reminds me of the International Court of Justices desire to force Israel and the United States to compromise their own security and justice by ordering them to alter their internal laws and policies. The ACLU also uses the same mentality to force their radical agenda on the United States. We need to fight against these tyrants or we will loose even what little freedom remains to us.


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