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Expressions of Liberty

A commentary on the governmental respect for natural human rights as expressed by the founders of the United States and how it effects us today. I also show how the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and other related documents are not dead documents in America today, but merely ignored and misused.

Location: Champaign, Illinois, United States

I am a classical liberal which is considered a type of conservative in these modern days. I am pro-right to life, pro-right to liberty, pro-parental rights, pro-right to property and a number of other natural human rights.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Progressive Liberals Attack The United States Constitution

I read a Reuters' article by Dean Yates entitled "Indonesia's moderate Islamic image under threat". The title is a lie. The individuals under attack are allies of the progressive liberal movement, which is an atheistic religion posing as a political movement and certainly not moderate. Moslems seem to act violently when they feel their right to practice their religion is threatened which possibly gave birth to Al Qaeda. Some evidence I have seen indicates that America and the United Nations has been used by the progressive liberal radicals to promote their doctrine to other countries as well as within the United States. From what I have observed progressive liberals are not happy with President George Bush and definitely not with his plans for a Moslem backed democracy in Iraq.

These progressive liberals agenda brag about the divorce rate and the decline of marriage pointing out the positives and neglecting the overwhelming negatives such as dysfunctional families, women and children plunged into poverty, higher domestic abuse rates, higher child abuse rates including abortion and possibly others. Japan is one example of the multiple countries under this attack as can be seen from an USA Today article by Paul Wiseman and Naoko Nishiwaki. Then Scandinavia which may be the birthplace of the progressive liberal movement has suffered a destruction of both marriage and religions rates. The prime purpose of the progressive liberal party seems to act against the dominate religious belief system of the country and install their own atheistic dogma as a state backed religion under the guise of a secular government.

In America the ACLU seems to be one of their weapon’s to force their will upon the American people though the Court Systems. I have yet to see the ACLU back up a Christians right to religion though they have no objection to oppressing that right under the guise of protecting separation of church and state. They also support non-marital sexual relationships and homosexual marriages both which are part of the doctrine of the progressive liberals.

Now progressive liberal push their agenda in the courts and legislation by twisting and perverting the meaning behind the Constitution though the practice of an “evolving constitution” that sadly is taught as the truth in most law schools in the United States. Anyone believing this deceptive doctrine of law commits perjury and becomes an oath breaker as soon as they take vows to become a lawyer and thus are dishonest and a felon. These same lawyers go on to become Judges, Lawmakers, and other appointed and elected officials and thus gain the authority and power to force to misuse the constitution to advance the progressive liberal doctrine.

To fight against these extremist and their ilk an informed public is best and to have an informed public requires freedom of honest political speech and the freedom of ethical and unbiased media with reasonable access to and oversight of the government and political movements. I am afraid that though the press is not government run it is owned by corporate interest that place their own spin on the subject matter. Editors also can spin a story which has happened at various newspapers. An example of editorial bias is Todd Eastham, North American news editor for Reuters whom in 2004 wrote an angry email in response to a press release from the National Right to Life press release. The National Right to Life news briefs are also biased but that at least is an a known bias which does not bother me as I as a citizen can adjust for it in various ways.


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